(A)   Electric general policies.
      (1)   The customer will provide access rights to the utility strip occupied by the service cables and to other company equipment required to furnish and/or maintain service.
      (2)   The customer shall install electric service entrance equipment for each single-family residence (or for each residence unit of a 2-or-more-family residence) in accordance with local, state, national codes, regulations and ordinances, and regulations of the company.
      (3)   The customer shall furnish and install, to company specifications, required duct or conduit under driveways or other areas and at meter locations.
      (4)   The company will furnish drawings showing location of and specifications for work to be performed by the customer.
      (5)   Any time an unsafe or hazardous condition exists, the customer shall be notified and given a specific amount of time to correct the situation.  If the customer does not comply, the service may be discontinued.
   (B)   Electric; houses with underground service.  For new electrical service, the town will extend service to the property line and furnish and set a pole and furnish meter and meter base.  The customer must dress the pole and install a circuit breaker.  All other connections are the customer’s responsibility. Specifications are available in a drawing.
   (C)   Electric; houses with overhead service.  For new electrical service, the town will extend the service to the weatherhead and will furnish the meter and meter base.  The customer will be responsible for all other connections.  Specifications are available in a drawing.
   (D)   Gas general policies.
      (1)   The town will run the line from the main to the meter at the expense of the property owner.
      (2)   The town will furnish the meter and the regulator.
      (3)   Black pipe must be used from the regulator to the appliance and/or furnace.
      (4)   The town will inspect the line from the meter to the furnace and/or appliance.  The customer must maintain this line.
      (5)   The line from the main to the meter will be inspected and maintained by the town.
      (6)   The town will have an implied right-of-way over the gas line for maintenance and testing purposes.
      (7)   No new gas service will be run to any building, residence, or mobile home that is not on a permanent foundation.
      (8)   Any time a hazardous condition exists, the customer shall be notified and given a specific amount of time to correct the situation.  If the customer does not comply or if the situation warrants, the service may be discontinued.
(1996 Code, § 9-132)  (Utility Board Res. 1980-1, passed 3-6-1980)