§ 153.295 GENERAL.
   (A)   Applicability. Unless expressly exempted, no subdivision shall be made, platted or recorded for any purpose nor shall parcels resulting from such subdivisions be sold or offered for sale, unless such subdivision meets all applicable standards of this chapter and has been approved in accordance with the procedures.
      (1)   All lots shown on plats whether subdivided or not, shall have the Planning Commission stamp of either approval or exemption on said plat; the Register of Mesne Conveyance shall not record any plat without such stamp. The plat for an individual lot exempted by virtue of pre-existence must be accompanied by a surveyor’s statement on the plat that the lot is a single, individual lot and not newly created.
      (2)   Parcels that were recorded by deed or plat prior to the adoption of the county’s original subdivision regulations on January 1, 1955, will receive automatic approval under a grandfathers clause; providing the parcel involved is still in the same size and shape as when recorded prior to 1955 and is properly platted in accordance with present standards. The recorded information must be provided and attested to by the surveyor or attorney involved.
   (B)   Standard specifications for road and drainage systems. The regulations and standards of this chapter are intended to supplement the county’s standard specifications for road and drainage systems. In the event of conflict, the county’s standard specifications for road and drainage systems shall control.
   (C)   Exemptions.
      (1)   Procedures. The following shall be exempt from the subdivision plat procedures, if the planning staff determines that all other applicable requirements of this chapter have been met:
         (a)   The combination or re-combination of portions of previously platted and recorded lots where the total number of lots is not increased and all lots or residual parcels thus created comply with all applicable requirements of this chapter;
         (b)   The public acquisition of land for right-of-way or drainage easements;
         (c)   When contiguous properties are to be divided for the purpose of exchanging or trading parcels of land;
         (d)   Where a parcel of land is proposed to be used as the site for a utility substation, power line easements or right-of-way, pumping station, pressure regulating station, electricity regulating substation, gas pressure control station or similar facilities; and
         (e)   Where properly platted lots or parcels are created and approved by judicial action.
      (2)   Standards. Lots created and recorded prior to August 15, 1971 shall be exempt from compliance with the design standards of this chapter; provided that the subject property:
         (a)   Was or is surveyed and platted in accordance with prescribed standards;
         (b)   Has the approval of the County Health Department; and
         (c)   Contains no drainageways or easements needed to drain surrounding properties, as determined by the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 20-8, passed 12-7-2000)