(A) Parking space dimensions. Required off-street parking spaces shall have minimum dimensions of nine feet in width by 18 feet in length, exclusive of driving aisles, maneuvering areas and walkways.
(B) Aisle widths. Drive aisle widths adjoining off-street parking spaces shall comply with the following standards:
Minimum Aisle Width for Specified Parking Angle (Feet) | |||
90E | 75E | 60E | 45E or less |
Note: 2-way drive aisles shall always require a minimum width of 23 feet |
(C) Parking lot landscaping markings.
(1) In paved parking areas, each off-street parking space shall be identified by surface markings at least four inches in width. Markings shall be visible at all times. Such markings shall be arranged to provide for orderly and safe loading, unloading, parking and storage of vehicles. In unpaved parking lots, all parking spaces must have a curb stop (minimum height of four inches) to delineate the location of the space and to prevent the encroachment of parking onto adjoining properties, right-of-ways or landscaped areas.
(2) One-way and two-way accesses into required parking facilities shall be identified by directional arrows.
(D) Surfacing. Unpaved parking lots must have a minimum surface of natural ground cover or an all weather surface such as gravel, slag or other pervious surface, not including asphalt shingles. Entrance and exit drives serving unpaved parking lots accessed from a paved street must be paved from the edge of the street pavement to a distance of 20 feet into the property. No more than 120% of the required number of off-street parking spaces may be paved, unless approved as a special exception.
(E) Access.
(1) Required parking spaces shall not have direct access to a street or highway. Access to required parking spaces shall be provided by on-site driveways. Off-street parking spaces shall be accessible without backing into or otherwise reentering a public right-of-way
(2) Parking lot entrance and exit drive curb cuts will not be more than 30 feet in width. Entrances or exits which include a median strip to separate traffic flow in opposite directions may be expanded to 60 feet. Curb cuts shall be allowed in accordance with the following table:
Length of Frontage | Maximum Number of Driveways |
250 feet or less | 1* |
251 feet to 1,500 feet | 2 |
1,500 feet or more | 3 |
* On frontages of 250 feet or less, a pair of 1-way driveways may be substituted only if the internal circulation on the site is compatible with the 1-way driveways and wrong-way movements on the driveways are rendered impossible or extremely difficult for motorists. Refer to the State Department of Transportation’s Access and Roadside Management Standards Manual for recommended spacing of driveways based on speed of traffic. |
(3) Entrance and exit drives shall be located at least 100 feet from the edge of the right-of-way of any street intersection. If the subject lot has less than 100 feet of frontage, the Planning Director shall be authorized to alter these requirements. Suitable provisions will be made to prevent ingress or egress at other than designated entrance or exit drives.
(4) The Planning Director shall be authorized to require that driveways providing access to dwelling units provide a minimum vertical clearance of up to 18 feet when deemed necessary to ensure emergency vehicle access.
(Ord. 20-8, passed 12-7-2000)