Mini-warehouse storage facilities must comply with the following criteria.
   (A)   Performance standards.
      (1)   Front setback. All structures, including the accessory manager’s office/apartment, must be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the right-of-way or the district minimum setback, whichever is greater.
      (2)   Side and rear buffers/screening.
         (a)   Where projects abut lots zoned office, commercial or industrial, no side and rear setbacks are required.
         (b)   Screening will be installed in accordance with this chapter.
         (c)   Where sites abut residentially zoned properties, buildings adjacent to the perimeter must face inward with their doors away from such areas.
      (3)   Building lengths and access. To ensure ease of access for emergency vehicles, no building shall exceed 300 feet in length. Spaces between ends of buildings shall be at least 30 feet.
      (4)   Accessory manager’s office/apartment. One management office and/or accessory residence will be permitted.
      (5)   Parking and circulation.
         (a)   Parking spaces must comply with this chapter.
         (b)   Project entrances shall be 30 feet in width.
         (c)   Roadway widths on interior drives shall be at least 24 feet in width where buildings face and open onto such drives on only one side. Where buildings face and open onto drives on both sides, widths of such drives shall be at least 34 feet.
         (d)   Turning radii, whether provided at the terminus of interior drives or at points between buildings, shall be at least 30 feet to provide for the maneuverability of emergency vehicles.
      (6)   Signs. Signs shall comply this chapter. Signs shall not be attached to or displayed on walls for fences used as required screening.
   (B)   Operating conditions.
      (1)   Commercial activities. The manufacture or sale of any commercial commodity or the provision of any service from the premises is prohibited.
      (2)   Commercial repair activities. Commercial repairs of autos, boats, motors, furniture or other items on the premises is prohibited.
      (3)   Storage of flammable substances. Storage of flammable chemical substances within the complex is prohibited.
      (4)   Open storage. Open storage of automobiles and boats is permitted only where such areas are screened to comply with this chapter.
   (C)   Site plan requirements. Prior to receiving zoning permits, site plans must be provided. Such plans shall be drawn to scale and contain the following information with dimensions:
      (1)   All existing and proposed structures;
      (2)   Driveways and parking;
      (3)   Existing drainage easements and proposed drainage plans;
      (4)   Interior roadways and turning radii;
      (5)   Lot line;
      (6)   Open storage areas;
      (7)   Proposed walls, fencing, screening, landscaping, lighting and signage;
      (8)   Rights-of-way with widths; and
      (9)   Setbacks.
   (D)   Drainage review. In addition to site plan review, applicant must submit drainage plan prepared by a licensee of the state to the County Public Works Department for review. A letter of compliance certifying adequacy of the drainage system must be received by Planning Department from Public Works Department prior to approval of conditional use application. Satisfaction of drainage requirements will be prerequisite to the granting of any zoning and building permits.
(Ord. 20-8, passed 12-7-2000; Ord. 07-09, passed 8-6-2007)