The following are the required elements of the planned development document:
   (A)   The name of the planned development, not duplicating the name of any other planned development or subdivision, the final plat of which has been recorded in the town;
   (B)   A statement of the objective of the proposed development;
   (C)   The total acreage of the planned development broken down into total acreage, total highland acreage, total freshwater wetland acreage and total jurisdictional wetland or marsh area;
   (D)   A table of the proposed land uses including:
      (1)   A table of proposed maximum and average residential densities for each residential use;
      (2)   The maximum total acreage of each residential use; and
      (3)   The maximum allowable number of each type of residential dwelling unit requested.
   (E)   All dimensional and lot standards proposed, for each land use type designated;
   (F)   An analysis of the impact of the proposed development on existing public facilities and services (e.g., streets, water, sewer, stormwater and the like). Any proposed future improvements to these facilities and services to be made as part of the PD shall also be included;
   (G)   A traffic impact analysis (plus 80 dwelling units) that assesses the buildout impact on existing streets. On-site and off-site improvements recommended by the traffic analysis shall be included in the PD document;
   (H)   A development schedule with a generalized phasing schedule, if appropriate. The phasing schedule shall include the total number of dwelling units and the total acreage of each residential use, the total gross floor area of any nonresidential use and the percentage and acreage of open space to be included in each phase;
   (I)   A statement indicating how all roads and alleys will be owned and maintained;
   (J)   A detailed narrative statement defining the proposed stormwater system design approach and system integration within the proposed plan. The statement should include conceptual stormwater system design configuration, including site specific natural and human-made features (e.g., wetlands, ditches, ponds, rivers and the like) incorporated within the stormwater management system; system components; component purpose/function; stormwater system ownership; and party(ies) responsible for maintenance. A compliance statement is required referencing applicable State Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and the County Stormwater Program criteria;
   (K)   A statement of inclusion and compliance with processes included in the town’s municipal code that is not mentioned in the planned development guidelines;
   (L)   A statement of agreement to proceed with proposed development per the provisions of these zoning regulations, applicable provisions of the town’s Comprehensive Plan and with such conditions as may be attached to any rezoning to the applicable PD district; and
   (M)   Letters of coordination from all agencies from which the applicant must:
       (1)   Obtain permits; or
      (2)   Obtain services and/or facilities; and
      (3)   Any other information that the Zoning Administrator determines is necessary to determine whether or not an application complies with the standards established in this section.
(Ord. 23-05, passed 6-1-2023)