(A)   It is the desire of the town to manage and regulate the development of the town to assure adequate public services which will harmonize with and preserve the existing rural character and pristine nature of the town.
   (B)   The town’s desire to manage the development and preserve natural and historical resources will be materially facilitated by zoning regulations.
   (C)   The nature of the town’s terrain is best suited only for low-density housing.
   (D)   To protect the unique waterfront environment as well as to prevent the degradation of the water classifications of the creeks, rivers and marshes surrounding the town.
   (E)   This chapter will not significantly increase the cost of housing in the town.
   (F)   This chapter considers all aspects of the town’s growth, with its aim of promoting not deterring the town’s orderly growth and development.
(Ord. 20-8, passed 12-7-2000)