(A)   The office of Administrator is hereby established to comply with the requirement of S.C. Code § 5-11-40(A) and (B), as amended. The Administrator shall provide assistance to the Mayor and Council and shall act as the Chief Executive Officer of the town. The Administrator has only authority delegated by Council.
   (B)   The duties of the Administrator shall include the following: prepares and submits annual budget to Mayor and Council; recommends organizational changes and assists in formulation of internal plans, policies and programs; maintains the town’s code of ordinances and recommends amendments or revisions to the Mayor and Council; conducts such studies or surveys as necessary to maintain an efficient operational level; maintains operational control and supervision of all employees; and serves as primary point of contact for employees in communication with Council.
   (C)   The Town Administrator shall be responsible to the Mayor and Town Council for the proper administration of the policies and affairs of the town, and to that end, shall have the power and authority and be required to:
      (1)   Administer annual operating budget;
      (2)   Direct, supervise and coordinate administrative activities and operations;
      (3)   Prepare and annually update five-year capital improvements program;
      (4)   With the assistance of the Clerk, monitor the financial condition of the town and estimate present and future financial means;
      (5)   Approve and sign all documents for the town;
      (6)   Recommend and administer policies governing purchasing procedures and inventory control;
      (7)   Authorize shifts in departmental budget line items; provided overall departmental appropriations do not change;
      (8)   Prepare and submit to the Mayor and Council at the end of each fiscal year a complete annual report on the finances and administrative activities of the town;
      (9)   Assist the Mayor in carrying out the duties of the Mayor’s office;
      (10)   Appoint all employees;
      (11)   Evaluate employees and recommend to Council personnel actions that may be necessary to maintain efficient operation of the town government. Approve suspension or dismissal of town employees;
      (12)   Investigate complaints concerning administrative matters and personnel performance; and
      (13)   Provide the Mayor and Council with information, data and leadership in matters of policy determination.
(Ord. 13-5, passed 9-5-2013)