(A)   The order of proceedings of the Town Council meetings shall be as follows:
      (1)   Open meeting with prayer and pledge of allegiance;
      (2)   Roll call;
      (3)   Approval of agenda;
      (4)   Approval of minutes of the past Council meetings;
      (5)   Citizen presentations/comments;
      (6)   Council member’s report/comments;
      (7)   Mayor’s report/comments;
      (8)   Administrator’s report/comments;
      (9)   Town activities report;
      (10)   Petitions received, referred or disposed of;
      (11)   Bills to be given second reading;
      (12)   Introduction of new bills or resolutions;
      (13)   Miscellaneous business;
      (14)   Financial report;
      (15)   Executive session; and
      (16)   Adjournment.
   (B)   The above order of proceeding shall be governed as follows.
      (1)   Minutes of past meetings. The minutes of the past Council meetings prepared by the Clerk will be approved as corrected by a vote passed by a majority of those members present.
      (2)   Citizen presentations/comments.
         (a)   Persons wishing to make formal reports or requests to Council shall so notify the Clerk no later than 48 hours prior to the Council meeting and shall provide the Clerk with a written copy of such report or request to be made to Council. The Clerk shall add all such citizen presentations to the formal agenda of the Council meeting.
         (b)   Other persons wishing to speak shall be recognized by the Mayor or other presiding officer of the meeting, in accordance with the following priority of order: persons who have notified the Clerk prior to the meeting of their desire to speak and have furnished the Clerk with a written copy of their comments to be made to Council; persons who have notified the Clerk prior to the meeting of their desire to speak but have not furnished a copy of their comments to the Clerk; and all other persons indicating a desire to speak.
         (c)   Thirty minutes are allowed for citizens’ presentations/comments and shall be divided equally among those wishing to speak.
      (3)   Council member’s reports/comments. Any Council member may report or comment on any matter of concern during this time.
      (4)   Mayor’s report/comments. The Mayor may report or comment on any matter of concern during this time.
      (5)   Administrator’s report/comments. The Administrator will bring the Council up to date on town activities.
      (6)   Petitions received, referred or disposed of. This is to include all petitions, letters of request and the like, which have been proposed to Council. If a petition previously received by Council has been referred, the report on that petition shall be shall be submitted, in writing, one week prior to the date of the Council meeting at which time the proposed action is requested. All reports on petitions and requests shall be submitted, in writing, prior to the start of the meeting.
      (7)   Bills to be taken up for a second reading or to be clarified. All bills and resolutions shall be in a form approved by Council and read.
      (8)   Introduction of new bill or resolutions. All bills and resolutions shall be in a form approved by Council.
      (9)   Miscellaneous business. This shall include any matter that is not included in any of the other orders. All subjects/matters to be included must be submitted to the Clerk for inclusion on the agenda.
(Ord. 13-5, passed 9-5-2013)