§ 30.003 BOUNDARIES.
   (A)   The town is to be at least five miles from the nearest incorporated town.
   (B)   The town boundary starting in Tax Map 680 where the southeasterly corner of lot 71 intersects Doar Road and proceeding southerly 467 feet westerly 441 feet; Lot 80, 95 feet; Lot 72, southerly 752 feet, westerly 565 feet; southerly along Seewee Road to intersect the southerly lot line of Lot 27, westerly to lot corner, northerly to intersect southerly lot line of Lot 20, westerly along the southerly lot lines of 19, 18, 17, 3, 16, 15, 14, 13, to intersect the westerly lot line then northerly across Maxville Road to southeasterly corner of Lot 89, westerly 117 feet to Lot 90, westerly 117 feet then northerly 482 feet, easterly 110 feet, to Lot 89 easterly 110 feet along the northerly lot lines of Lot 10, 9 for 568 feet to intersect Tax Map No. 661 Lot 129, southeasterly to intersect southwesterly lot line southeasterly 260 feet, northwesterly 1,022 feet, westerly 60 feet, northeasterly 207 feet, then across U.S. Highway 17 to intersect the southeasterly corner of Lot 131. Then proceed northwesterly up the northerly side of U.S. Highway 17 to the southwesterly corner of Lot 113, northeasterly along the northwesterly property line, then southeasterly along the northeasterly property line to Lot 112, then northeasterly to northerly property line then northeasterly along the northerly line to Lot 109, then northeasterly along the northwesterly lot lines of Lots 160, 108, 106, 105, no lot number, 137, 173, 196, 87, 77, to intersect Lot 76, then northerly along the westerly lines of lots 76, 74, then easterly along the northerly line of 74, cross Porcher School Road to intersect the northwesterly corner of Lot 178, easterly 315 feet, southerly 207 feet to Lot 74, southeasterly on the northerly lot line to corner then southerly along the easterly line of Lot 74 to intersect with Lot 75, continue southerly on the easterly lot line of 75 to intersect with the easterly side of Porcher School Road, continue southerly to intersect with Lot 76 continue along the northeasterly and easterly lot lines to intersect Lot 77, continue southerly along the easterly line to Lot 70, southerly along the easterly line to Lot 64, easterly on the northerly line cross Legarefield Road to Lot 63, continue easterly along northerly line of Lot 62 to Lot 69 northerly 315 feet to Lot 66, north easterly along north westerly lines of Lots 66 and 60, turn southeasterly along northeasterly lines of Lots 60 and 67 to Lot 61, turn northerly to corner then southerly along the easterly lot line of 61 to intersect Lot 62 turn easterly to north easterly corner of Lot 62 then southerly along easterly line of Lots 62 and 150 to southeasterly corner of Lot 150 proceed westerly along southerly line of Lot 150 to the northwesterly corner of Lot 149, then southerly along the westerly line of Lot 149 to Lot 51, southerly along the westerly lines of Lots 51, 50, 49, then easterly along the southerly line of Lot 49 to corner and turn southerly along easterly line of Lot 140 to intersect Lot 41. Proceed easterly along the northerly line of 41 to corner turn southerly and proceed southerly along the easterly lines of Lots 41 and 40 then westerly along the southerly lines of Lots 40, 41, 42, from the southwesterly corner of Lot 42 cross U.S. Highway 17 to the northeasterly corner of Lot 39, proceed southwesterly along the easterly line of Lots 39, 38 to point of Lot 39, turn northwesterly on the southwesterly lines of Lots 39, 37, 36, 35. Intersect with Lot 33 at the corner of Lot 33 and proceed westerly along the southerly line of Lot 33, 31, turn southerly 32 feet, turn southwesterly along southeasterly lines of Lots 31, 30, 29 of across Doar Road to intersect with the southeasterly corner of Lot 71, TM 680, which is beginning of the legal description.
(Ord. passed - -)