(a)   Applications shall be evaluated in the time frames as follows:
      (1)   Type 1 applications    60 days
      (2)   Type 2 applications    90 days
      (3)   Type 3 applications    120 days
   (b)   Applications shall be reviewed for completeness. If the application is incomplete, then the applicant will be notified of the insufficiency, and the time frames set forth in subsection (a) shall be tolled until the application is made complete, as described below:
      (1)   To toll the time period for incompleteness, the City must provide written notice to the applicant, specifically identifying all missing documents or information, within thirty days after receiving the application.
      (2)   The time period set forth in subsection (a) will begin to run again, when the applicant provides a supplemental submission in response to the City's notice of incompleteness, but may be tolled again if the City notifies the applicant in writing, within ten days of receiving a supplemental submission, that the application remains incomplete and identifies which items specified in the original notice of incompleteness are still missing. Timely notice by the City of the deficiencies in a supplemental submission tolls the time period set forth in subsection (a) until the applicant supplies the specified information.
   (c)   The time frames in subsection (a) may be tolled by mutual agreement between the applicant and the City. The time frames in subsections (a)(2) and (a)(3) may also be tolled as follows:
      (1)   If the City receives between fifteen and thirty applications in a thirty-day period, then the City may toll for an additional twenty-one days beginning with the sixteenth application.
      (2)   If the City receives more than thirty applications in a thirty-day period, then the City may toll for an additional fifteen days for every fifteen applications received, up to a maximum tolling period of ninety days, as indicated below:
         A.   Applications 31-45:   36 additional days
         B.   Applications 46-60:   51 additional days
         C.   Applications 61-75:   66 additional days
         D.   Applications 76-90:   81 additional days
         E.   Applications 91+:   90 additional days
      (3)   When an applicant submits an underground area waiver pursuant to Section 1031.13(d) of the Codified Ordinances, in which case the City may toll for an additional fourteen days.
   (d)   If two applicants request to collocate on the same wireless support structure or two wireless support structures are proposed within a distance that would violate the spacing requirements set forth in Section 1032.16, then the Planning Coordinator may resolve the conflict in any reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner.
   (e)   If a request for consent is denied, the City shall provide, in writing, its reasons for denying the request, supported by substantial, competent evidence. The denial of consent shall not unreasonably discriminate against the applicant. Grounds for denying an application may include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Failure to provide information required under Section 1032.07;
      (2)   Failure to comply with design guidelines set forth in Chapter 1031;
      (3)   Failure to provide financial surety pursuant to Section 1032.15;
      (4)   Failure to remove abandoned facilities as required under Section 1032.12;
      (5)   Conflict with the historic nature or character of the surrounding area;
      (6)   Conflict with planned future improvements in the right-of-way; and
      (7)   Failure to comply with generally applicable health, safety, and welfare requirements.
(Ord. 67-18. Passed 7-30-18.)