(a)   Pre-Application Meeting. The owner is encouraged to schedule a meeting with the City Engineer or his or her designated representative to:
      (1)   Discuss the proposed project;
      (2)   Review the requirements of this chapter;
      (3)   Identify unique aspects of the project that must be addressed during the review process;
      (4)   Establish a preliminary review and approval schedule.
      (5)   It is encouraged that this meeting occurs with the Planning Commission pre-application meeting as listed in Section 1244.06.
   (b)   Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3). The owner shall submit two sets of an SWP3 and the applicable fees as set forth in Section 1052.11 to the City Planning Office in conjunction with the submittal of the final plat (see Section 1244.10 for final plat submission requirements). This plan shall meet the requirements of Section 1052.08 and Section 1052.09 , and show the property boundaries (proposed if necessary), setbacks, dedicated open space, public roads, water resources, stormwater control facilities, and blocks in sufficient detail and engineering analysis to allow the City Engineer to determine if the site is laid out in a manner that meets the intent of this chapter and if the proposed stormwater management practices are capable of controlling runoff from the site in compliance with this chapter. This plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of any building permits.
   (c)   Abbreviated SWP3. The owner shall submit two sets of the abbreviated SWP3 and the applicable fees to the City as follows:
      (1)   For single-family home construction. Before issuance of a building permit by the Chief Building Inspector.
      (2)   For other construction projects. Before issuance of a building permit by the Chief Building Inspector.
      (3)   For general clearing projects. Prior to issuance of a clearing permit by the Chief Building Inspector.
   (d)   Review and Comment. The City Engineer shall review the plans submitted, and shall approve or return for revisions with comments and recommendations for revisions. A plan rejected because of deficiencies shall receive a narrative report stating specific problems and the procedures for filing a revised plan.
   (e)   Approval Necessary. Land-clearing and soil-disturbing activities shall not begin, and building permits shall not be issued without an approved SWP3 and deposits necessary as set forth in Section 1052.11 except as approved by the City Engineer.
   (f)   The developer, engineer and contractor, and other principal parties, shall meet with the City Engineer for a pre-construction meeting no less than seven days prior to soil disturbing activity at the site to ensure that erosion and sediment control devices are properly installed, limits of disturbance and buffer areas are properly delineated and construction personnel are aware of such devices and areas. Pre-construction meetings for abbreviated SWP3s may be waived at the discretion of the City Engineer.
   (g)   Valid for Two Years. Approvals issued in accordance with this chapter shall remain valid for two years from the date of approval.
(Ord. 134-16. Passed 12-27-16.)