(a)   A blasting permit shall be subject to the following provisions and conditions which must be adhered to:
      (1)   Permissible hours. Charges shall only be detonated between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday only, and not on holidays.
      (2)   Notification of intent to detonate charges. The permit holder shall notify the following, stating the times charges will be detonated each day:
         A.   The Chief of Police or, in his or her absence, another responsible City official;
         B.   Residents of the immediate area who for health reasons require notice and have so listed such requirement with the Service Director.
      (3)   Seismographic records and data.
         A.   1.   Each and every shot shall be monitored by a portable seismograph capable of producing readings which will state or can be converted to a statement of peak particle velocity on any of the three mutually perpendicular planes of motion, and a competent operator, both supplied by the permit holder. The seismograph shall be placed so as to measure ground vibrations for each shot at the nearest structure or building not owned or leased by the permit holder.
            2.   The City shall have notice pursuant to division (a)(2) of this section so that it may have an observer present to make an inspection for the purpose of satisfying the City as to the accuracy of the log maintained by the permit holder.
         B.   The recorded seismograph data shall include:
            1.   Identification of the instrument used;
            2.   The name of the observer;
            3.   The name of the interpreter;
            4.   The distance and the direction of the recording station from the area of detonation;
            5.   The type of ground at the recording station, or location in structure;
            6.   The maximum amplitudes for all components measured;
            7.   The frequency of ground motion in cycles per second, if applicable;
            8.   The maximum particle velocity for all components measured;
            9.   The nature of the charge;
            10.   The size and depth of the holes;
            11.   The pattern shot;
            12.   The setting of dials and controls, if any, on the seismograph at the time the reading is taken;
            13.   The number of holes per delay;
            14.   The total number of holes; and
            15.   The date and time.
         C .   The permit holder shall make available copies of the log and the seismograph tapes for all shots. All the items herein mentioned shall be made available immediately after each shot.
      (4)   Seismic effects.
         A.   Allowable limits. Blasting operations shall be so conducted that ground vibrations measured at the nearest structure or building, not contractor-owned or leased, do not exceed a peak particle velocity of two inches per second, or its equivalent, on any of the three mutually perpendicular planes of motion (vertical, longitudinal or transverse), but a shot shall never exceed thirty-six. No blast shall include more than four holes of sixty pounds charge each, per delay.
            1.   Instrumentation that measures acceleration or displacement may be used only if the readings can be converted to a statement of peak particle velocity.
            2.   Allowable limits of ground motion and particle velocity contained in this section shall be considered not to produce structural damage in any structure that has been reasonably well constructed to accepted engineering practice.
            3.   A record of the seismic wave pattern shall be kept for a minimum of one year after completion of the project.
         B.   Restrictions on quantity of explosives. The use of explosives within the limitations of this chapter shall only be undertaken with quantities of explosives not in excess of those permitted by division (a)(4)D. of this section, except as further restricted by other requirements of this chapter.
         C.   Seismic explosive quantity limits. When ground characteristics for any specific blasting location have been determined by an independent seismologist, the allowable quantity-distance relation between the amount of explosives used and the distance from the last site shall be determined from the results of the seismic measurements. The general vibration levels shall not exceed the standards established in this chapter, namely, a peak particle velocity of two inches per second.
         D.   Blasting Quantity-Distance Table.
Distance from Blast Area to Nearest Structures, not Contractor Owned or Leased (ft.)
Maximum Quantity of Explosive per Shot for Instantaneous Firing, or per Delay for Delay Firing (lbs.)
   The allowable charge without seismic control will be computed by the equation:
      (5)   Miscellaneous regulations.
         A.   All blasting operations shall be suspended during the approach and progress of an electrical storm.
         B.   Empty boxes, paper and fiber packing materials which have previously contained high explosives shall not be used again for any purpose, but shall be destroyed as soon as reasonable.
         C.   When Atlas powder is used, slots shall be limited to thirty-six holes, the maximum capacity, without duplication of Atlas powder.
         D.   A copy of the seismograph report shall be kept on file as long as the possibility of legal action exists.
      (6)   Insurance.
         A.   Concomitant with the issuance of such permit, there shall be deposited with the issuing officer an insurance policy issued by a company authorized to engage in the insurance business in the State, wherein the City is named insured, by the terms of which the City is saved harmless from any and all claims for bodily injury within the limits of $100,000 for each person, $300,000 for each accident or incident the result of blasting and $50,000 to $100,000 for damage to property resulting from any one or more of such blastings.
         B.   In lieu of such policy of insurance, the issuing company may issue its certificate, wherein it certifies that the City is co-insured with the person conducting the blasting, and to whom such blasting permit is issued. Such policy of insurance shall be issued for the benefit of the City, and any person who is injured or whose property is damaged as a result of the blasting for which the permit is obtained, or in any manner arising or growing out of the blasting or incident thereto, or that may be occasioned by reason of blasting, notwithstanding that such blasting or the location thereof may not be comprehended or provided for or specifically referred to or defined in the permit mentioned or provided for.
      (7)   Suspension of authority. The permit shall automatically suspend and/ or terminate on the following conditions:
         A.   Failure of the permit holder to maintain full performance of the terms, conditions and regulations upon which the permit is granted and/or full compliance with this chapter.
         B.   Permit expiration.
      (8)   Term of permit. The permit shall be in effect on. the date of issuance and shall automatically expire thirty days thereafter, or upon breach of any of the regulations, terms and conditions of this chapter. The permit shall be renewable, but not for more than thirty days.
(Ord. 42-73. Passed 11-28-73.)
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Each blast shall constitute a separate offense. The penalty shall be as provided in Section 698.02.
(Ord. 304-66. Passed 12-14-66.)