(A)   Citation for violation. If the Inspector finds that an environmental public nuisance exists on private property and has not been abated as directed in the written notice to abate, that Inspector may cause a citation for violation of the town ordinance to be issued to the offending property owner.
   (B)   Abatement by town on private property. In addition to the issuance of a citation for violation of this subchapter, the Inspector may cause the nuisance to be abated by issuing a request to cure the condition to town employees, or contract the removal of the nuisance with a private contractor.
   (C)   Responsibility of offender for costs of enforcement. The Town Manager shall make a statement of the costs incurred in eliminating the environmental public nuisance. The costs shall include: cost of removal of the public nuisance, together with administrative fees and recording fees. Administrative fees shall be an amount equivalent to two hours of the Town Manager's time and one hour of the Clerk- Treasurer's time, at their current rate of pay.
   (D)   Failure to pay. If the owner fails to pay the amount within 30 days after receiving a statement, a copy of the statement of costs shall be filed in the Office of the Auditor of Noble County for the purpose of placing the amount claimed on the tax duplicate against the property so that the amount claimed can be collected as taxes are collected.
(Ord. 1497-07-10, passed 7-21-2010)