No person shall, at any time, park a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets.
Albion Street
Between Main Street and the first north/south alley on the north side of Albion Street, which lies west of the intersection of Main and Albion Streets
Albion Street
Both sides of Albion Street from Baum Street to State Road 3
Autumn Hills Drive
The east side of Autumn Hills Drive between Albion Street and Henrietta Drive
Brown Drive
No parking at any time
Chiswell Run
The north and west sides of Chiswell Run
Clark Street
On either side of Clark Street
Cranberry Run
On the east or south sides of Cranberry Run
Dominic Street
On the east side of Dominic Street
First Street
On the pavement on both sides of First Street between South Main Street and Waters Street
Green Drive
On both sides of Green Drive
Haines Street
Consisting of a nine foot strip marked as a no parking area on the east side of Haines Street between Albion Street and Walnut Street, and this no parking area shall be designated as a “School Bus Loading/Unloading Zone”
Haines Street
In front of Avilla Park one space to the east and one to the west of the crosswalk to Haines Street
Henrietta Drive
On the south side of Henrietta Drive
Ley Street
On the west side of Ley Street north of Sammy Drive
Lillian Street
On the south side of Lillian Street
Lothamer Lane
On both sides of Lothamer Lane
Main Street
On east side of Main Street from a point 860 feet south of Fourth Street to a point 88 feet north of the north edge of the pavement of Washington Street
Main Street
On the east side from a point 210 feet south of Albion Street to a point 265 feet south of Albion Street. (This provision shall not, however, apply to any government vehicle.)
Main Street
On the east side from Main Street from its intersection with Albion Street north to a point 250 feet north of Crestview Way
Main Street
On the west side of Main Street from a point 860 feet south of Fourth Street to a point 250 feet north of Crestview Way
Main Street
On the west side of Main Street from a point 250 feet north of its intersection with Crestview Way to a point 204 feet south of its intersection with Albion Street
Main Street
On the west side of Main Street from a point 372 feet south of its intersection with Albion Street to a point 860 feet south of its intersection with Fourth Street
Old Bog Road
On the west side of Old Bog Road
Peggy Lane
On the north or west sides of Peggy Lane
Prairie Cove
On the north side of Prairie Cove east of its north intersection with Ley Street, then south along the east side of Prairie Cove to the south side of Prairie Cove with its intersection with Ley Street. No parking on the outside edge of Prairie Cove.
Prairie Cove
No parking shall be permitted between signs around the curves on Prairie Cove
Railroad Street
On the south side east of Van Scoyoc Street
Railroad Street
On the north and south sides between Main Street and Chestnut Street
Rose Drive
On the north side of Rose Drive
Second Street
On the pavement on both sides of Second Street between South Main Street and Waters Street
Stewart Creek Run
On the south side of Stewart Creek Run
Sycamore Way
On the south side of Sycamore Way
Van Scoyoc Street
On the east side between the intersection of Albion Street and the intersection with Fourth Street
Van Scoyoc Street
On either side of the street for a distance of 62 feet south of the intersection with Albion Street
Viburnum Creek Run
On the west side of Viburnum Creek Run
Vice Boulevard
On the west side of Vice Boulevard
Walnut Street
In that nine foot wide strip marked as a no parking area on the south side of Walnut Street, said strip running west from the intersection of Haines Street, a distance of 125 feet. This no parking area shall be designated as a “School Bus Loading/Unloading Zone”
Washington Street
On either side of Washington Street from Van Scoyoc to first alley west of Main Street
Washington Street
On the south side of Washington Street east of Lewis Street for a distance of 93 feet from the southeast corner of the intersection
Water Street
On the west side of Water Street between Second Street and Fourth Street
West Wind Trail
On the north side of West Wind Trail
Penalty note:
Any person, firm or entity violating this schedule pertaining to parking restrictions shall be subject to a fine of $30, provided however, that the person, firm or entity may settle or compromise a claim against him, her or them for illegal parking by paying to the Ordinance Violation Bureau the sum of $5 for each illegal parking violation within ten days of the time the alleged offense was committed.
(Ord. 1407-6-02, passed 6-18-2001; Am. Ord. 1454-08-06, passed 8-21-2006; Am. Ord. 1489-09-09, passed 9-16-2009; Am. Ord. 1491-10-09, passed 10-28-2009; Am. Ord. 1495-04-10, passed 5-11-2010; Am. Ord. 1532-6-13, passed 6-19-2013; Am. Ord. 1576-12-16, passed 12-21-2016; Am. Ord. 1604-7-19, passed 7-17-2019; Am. Ord. 1608-8-19, passed 12-18-2019; Am. Ord. 1617-7-20, passed 7-15-2020; Am. Ord. 1630-9-21, passed 9-22-2021; Am. Ord. 1644-5-22, passed 6-15-2022)