§ 93.01  PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to prohibit nuisance solid waste accumulation, illegal dumping, and littering on public and private property in the city, to establish penalties for violations thereof, and to provide for the abatement of nuisances. This ordinance is intended to protect the citizens of the city, from the burden of costs related to solid waste accumulation, illegal dumping, littering and clean up.
   (B)   The primary intent of this subchapter is to discourage illegal dumping and littering on public and private property and to promote cleanup of nuisance solid waste. Elimination of improper disposal is necessary to protect human health and the natural environment, to protect surface and ground waters from pollution, and to protect the value of property from the negative effects of solid waste accumulation, dumping and littering. Fines and sanctions are meant to deter violations of this subchapter.
(Ord. 2014-02, passed 4-10-2014)