(A)   The city shall assess a $25 tow-in fee for each vehicle the Police Department orders towed, except those vehicles that must be towed as a result of circumstances beyond the vehicle owner’s control, (a vehicular accident for which the owner/driver bears no fault).
   (B)   The assessed tow-in fee of $25 shall be paid by the vehicle owner to the Police Department. A receipt will be given to the owner to present to the tow provider that assessed tow-in fee has been paid. No vehicle will be released by tow provider until assessed fee is paid. If tow provider releases the vehicle before assessed fee is paid to the Police Department, tow provider will be responsible for the assessed fee of $25.
   (C)   The Police Department shall receive 100% of assessed tow-in fees, to be forwarded weekly to the Clerk-Treasurer to be placed in the Local Law Enforcement Continuing Education Fund (Tow-In Ordinance). All previous ordinances regarding tow-in fees for the city inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
   (D)   The City Council shall establish by ordinance the charges allowed for towing and storage of abandoned vehicles, which shall be filed with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and shall be available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer.
   (E)   (1)   The city shall assess a $25, tow-in-fee for each vehicle the Police Department orders towed, except those vehicles that must be towed as a result of circumstances beyond the vehicle owner's control, (a vehicular accident for which the owner/driver bears no fault).
      (2)    The assessed tow-in-fee of $25 shall be paid by the vehicle owner to the City Police Department. A receipt will be given to the owner to present to the tow provider that assessed tow-in-fee has been paid. No vehicle will be released by tow provider until assessed fee is paid. If tow provider releases the vehicle before assessed fee is paid to the City Police Department, tow provider will be responsible for the assessed fee of $25.
      (3)   The City Police Department shall receive 100% of assessed tow-in-fees, to be forwarded weekly to the Clerk Treasurer to be placed in the Local Law Enforcement Continuing Education Fund (Tow-In-Ordinance).
(Ord. 2005-03, passed - -2007; Ord. 2007-03, passed - -2007; Ord. 2007-05, passed 7-10-2007)