121.03 AGENDAS.
   (a)   Posting. The agenda prepared for any regular meeting of the City Council shall be posted at City Hall, the Post Office, the Public Library, and in no less than two (2) other of the most public places in the City, as determined by the City Council, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the commencement of said meeting by the Clerk of Council or any deputies. (Charter 3.06) Please refer to Section 121.04 (c) of this document for listing of posting locations.
   (b)   Order of Business.
      (1)   Call to Order
      (2)   Pledge to Flag
      (3)   Roll Call
      (4)   Reconsideration of Prior Action
      (5)   Consideration of Minutes
      (6)   Public Hearings and/or Executive Session(s), if applicable
      (7)   Mayor's Report
      (8)   Law Director's Report
      (9)   Council President's Report
      (10)   Citizen Comments - Legislation
      (11)   Councilman Remarks - Legislation
      (12)   Legislation
      (13)   Citizen Comments - General
      (14)   Councilman & Committee Remarks
      (15)   Miscellaneous, if applicable
      (16)   Adjournment
   (c)   Agenda Items.
      (1)   Ordinances and resolutions may be placed on the Legislative Agenda when sponsored by Committees, Boards, and Commissions, the Mayor with the endorsement of two (2) members of the City Council, at least three (3) City Council members, or by a motion of the City Council. Those ordinances and resolutions pertaining to the legislative powers of the municipality may be sponsored by the President of Council.
      (2)    The City Council agenda Items must be submitted to the Clerk of Council no later than noon Thursday immediately preceding the City Council meeting. A request to add an item to the agenda after the deadline will be deferred until the next meeting, unless extenuating circumstances exist to which consent to said request should not be unreasonably withheld.
      (3)    Committee of the Whole agenda items must be submitted to the Clerk of Council no later than noon Wednesday immediately preceding the City Council meeting. A request to add an item to the agenda after the deadline will be deferred until the next meeting, unless extenuating circumstances exist to which consent to said request should not be unreasonably withheld.
      (4)    Any items requiring legislative action must be submitted in ordinance or resolution form pursuant to Section (c)(1) above.
   (d)   Adding to the Agenda. Any ordinances or resolutions which were not placed on the agenda prior to distribution and posting need to be added to the agenda via motion and approval by a majority of the City Council. (The City Council reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of the request for immediate consideration.)
   (e)   Removing from the Agenda.   Any ordinances or resolutions which have been placed on the agenda, and deemed inappropriate for consideration by the City Council, shall be removed from the agenda via motion and approval by a majority vote of the City Council.
(Ord. 2024-028. Passed 2-26-24.)