(A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      CHIMINEAS. An outdoor patio fireplace, usually made from clay, intended to confine and control outdoor wood fires.
      FIRE PITS. Usually constructed of steel, concrete and or stones and constructed above ground with a heavy steel screen cover.
      OUTDOOR FIREPLACES. Shall include fire pits, portable fire pits, and chimineas. These devices shall use wood as fuel and are used for contained recreational fire located at a private residence for the purpose of outdoor cooking and personal enjoyment. OUTDOOR FIREPLACES do not include barbeque grills that use propane or charcoal as a fuel and used primarily for outdoor cooking.
      PORTABLE FIRE PITS. Being commercially designed and intended to confine and control outdoor wood fires.
   (B)   All outdoor fireplaces shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Outdoor fireplaces shall be constructed of concrete or approved noncombustible materials. The fire fuel area and opening shall be completely enclosed by steel screening or an approved noncombustible screening material with openings in screening not to exceed one-half inch square. These requirements also shall apply to vent stacks, chimneys and openings to fire pits.
      (2)   The fire pit fuel area shall not exceed three feet in diameter nor two feet in height.
      (3)   Burn materials shall be untreated wood only. Rubbish, grass, leaves, cardboard, tires, plastics, railroad ties, treated lumber and household garbage shall not be burned.
      (4)   The amount of material being burned shall be limited to ensure containment of the fire within the device and shall follow the manufacturer's recommendation on fuel amounts.
      (5)   Devices shall be continuously attended by a responsible person until the fire is completely extinguished and will not rekindle. Outdoor fireplaces shall not be operated when winds exceed ten miles per hour or if embers and smoke might travel to other combustible materials.
      (6)   Smoke from any outdoor fireplaces shall not create a nuisance for adjacent property owners. The Fire Chief and assistant chiefs will be authorized to require any fire to be extinguished immediately if he/she determines the outdoor fireplace is creating an unsafe condition due to weather, amount of fuel being burned, or if the device is deemed improper.
      (7)   An open burn permit is not required for these devices provided that the fire is completely contained within the device and covered by a screen or similar device which meets the requirement identified above at all times.
      (8)   Outdoor fireplaces shall be placed no closer than 15 feet from a structure or combustible material.
(Ord. 1018, passed 7-14-2015)