The Building Inspector shall:
   (A)   Inspect any building, wall or structure about which complaints are filed by any person to the effect that a building, wall or structure is or may be existing in violation of this code;
   (B)   Inspect any building, wall or structure reported by the Fire Department or the Police Department as probably existing in violation of the terms of this code;
   (C)   Notify in writing the owner, occupant, lessee, mortgagee, agent and all other persons having an interest in a building, as shown by the land records of the Register of Deeds of the county, which is found by the Inspector to be a dangerous building that:
      (1)   The owner must vacate or repair or demolish the building in accordance with the terms of the notice and this code;
      (2)   The occupant or lessee must vacate the building, or may have it repaired in accordance with the notice and remain in possession; and
      (3)   The mortgagee, agent or other persons having an interest in the building may at their own risk repair, vacate or demolish the building or have the work or act done; provided, that any person notified to repair, vacate or demolish a building shall be given a reasonable time, not exceeding 30 days, as may be necessary to do, or have done, the work or acts required by the notice.
   (D)   Set forth in the notice a description of the building or structure deemed unsafe, a statement of the particulars which make the building or structure a dangerous building, and an order requiring the same to be put in a condition as to comply with the terms of this code within a length of time, not exceeding 30 days, as is reasonable;
   (E)   Report to the Mayor and Council any noncompliance with a notice provided for herein;
   (F)   Appear at all hearings conducted by the Mayor and Council and testify as to the condition of dangerous buildings; and
   (G)   Place a notice on all dangerous buildings reading substantially as follows:
      This building has been found to be a dangerous building by the Building Inspector. This notice is to remain on this building until it is repaired, vacated or demolished in accordance with the notice which has been given the owner, occupant, lessee, mortgagee or agent of this building, and all other persons having an interest in the building as shown by the land records of the Register of Deeds of the county. If you wish to contest this determination of the Building Inspector, you must appear before the next regular meeting of the Mayor and Council to show cause why the building should not be repaired, vacated or demolished in accordance with the statement of particulars set forth in the Inspector’s notice. It is unlawful to remove this notice until the notice is complied with.
(1998 Code, § 9-403)