(A)   During the primary plat review of a major subdivision, a subdivider may present a phasing or sectionalizing plan. If a phasing plan is submitted, the build-out of the subdivision must be identified on the primary plat drawing and accompanying materials. As a part of this process, the Plan Commission can require that certain improvements be completed within or by a certain phase of the subdivision's development. For example, road termini, utility improvements, or neighborhood or community amenities may be required within the early phases of the subdivision.
   (B)   Additional financial guarantee may be required for subdivisions developed in phases to ensure that public improvements are connected as shown in the approved primary plat or financial guarantee may be required to remain in place until all sections of the subdivision are completed. For example, prior to the development of a new phase or section, a maintenance guarantee may be required to ensure the satisfactory condition of the required improvements from earlier sections of the affected subdivision—or adjacent development. Financial guarantees must also be consolidated if different phases or sections are owned or controlled by the same subdivider.
(Ord. 2019-008, passed 5-13-19)