For purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Words in the singular shall include the plural, and words in the plural shall include the singular.
   INSPECTION CERTIFICATE. A certificate issued by the Code Enforcement Official or his/her designee which documents that a rental unit has passed inspection and the owner is permitted to rent or lease the unit.
   INSPECTION OFFICERS. The following persons, working separately or together, who shall enforce the provisions of this chapter:
      (1)   The City Code Enforcement Official or his/her designee;
      (2)   The Fire inspector, Fire Chief or other designated officer;
      (3)   The County Health Officer, or his/her designee.
   OCCUPANT. Any person, living, sleeping, cooking, or having physical or actual possession of a rental unit.
   OWNER. One or more persons in whom is vested all or part of the legal title to property. The term includes a mortgagee or contract purchaser in possession.
   PERSON. An individual, a corporation, an association, a partnership, a governmental entity, a trust, an estate, or any other legal or commercial entity.
   REGISTRATION FEE. The amount paid to the Code Enforcement Official or his/her designee when registering a rental unit with the city.
   RENTAL UNIT. Any grounds, facilities, or area promised for the intended use of multi-family and/or multi-unit residential occupancy, within the city, including the following:
      (1)   A boarding house, with two dwelling units or more;
      (2)   A rooming house, with two dwelling units or more;
      (3)   A mobile home space, with two dwelling units or more;
      (4)   A single- or two- or more family dwelling, with two dwelling units or more.
   RENTAL UNIT COMMUNITY. One or more parcels of contiguous real property upon which are located one or more structures containing rental units if:
      (1)   The combined total of all rental units in all of the structures is five or more rental units; and
      (2)   The rental units are not occupied solely by the owner or the owner's family.
   UNSAFE BUILDING. A building or structure, or any part of a building or structure, that is:
      (1)   In an impaired structural condition that makes it unsafe to a person or property;
      (2)   A fire hazard;
      (3)   A hazard to the public health, which may involve any condition that impedes or affects others, including the welfare of a minor/child;
      (4)   A public nuisance;
      (5)   Dangerous to a person or property because of a violation of a statute or ordinance concerning building condition or maintenance;
      (6)   Vacant and not maintained in a manner that would allow human habitation, occupancy, or use under the requirements of a statute or an ordinance; or
      (7)   Otherwise in violation of state or city unsafe building laws.
   Unsafe premises. The tract of real estate on which an unsafe building is located.
(Ord. 2017-001, passed 5-1-17)