(A)   In order to support the organization and administration of the Marriage Office as well as carry out the collection of service charges, there is hereby established in the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer a Marriage Office to be under the supervision of its administrator, who shall be the Clerk-Treasurer.
   (B)   The Marriage Office is:
      (1)   Hereby authorized and empowered:
         (a)   To charge and collect on behalf of the municipality such service charges as hereinafter may be identified and authorized for the performance of marriage solemnizations to be paid by the parties desiring the service; and
         (b)   To provide such materials and forms as may be desirable and proper to efficiently administer the purposes and objects of this chapter, this may include the development of a uniform application form to be used in support of the Marriage Office, subject to applicable provisions of IC 36-5-6-6(2) and (3) and IC 5-11-9-2;
      (2)   Hereby instructed and directed:
         (a)   To design and provide an application form to be used in support of the Marriage Office which contains the same information called for and indicated in the most current versions of State Form 27553, or the successor of that form, known as the record of marriage, time, date, place of the wedding service, and such other information as may be reasonably related to the administration of this service; and
         (b)   To develop, compile, and maintain records of the services offered, charges collected, and such other information as may be desirable and to transmit a report of the activities of the bureau from time to time to the municipal legislative body.
(Ord. 2016-001, passed 3-7-16)
Statutory reference: 
   Clerk-treasurer authorized to conduct solemnization of marriages, see IC 31-7-5-1.