(A)   An application for a special event permit shall be completed, signed and submitted to the City Clerk on forms provided by him or her along with all required attachments and the application fee in accordance with the city's special event policies and procedures no sooner than one (1) year and no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the proposed special event. Submission of a completed application with all accompanying attachments shall not constitute city approval and shall not result in an automatic issuance of the required special event permit by the city.
   (B)   A waiver of the application deadline may be granted upon a showing of good cause at the discretion of the City Clerk, with the concurrent approval of the Mayor. The City Clerk may consider an application that is filed after the filing deadline if there is sufficient time to process and investigate the application, and arrange police and other city services and/or equipment for the event. Filing an application after the deadline may result in a penalty, including a late fee or denial of a permit.
   (C)   Special event applications shall be considered in the order in which they are received. Special events requested for the same day may be denied, due to limited resources of the city and concerns for public safety, but if granted, will be granted on a first-come, first served basis.
   (D)   The special event application shall set forth the following information:
      (1)   The name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the person seeking to conduct the special event.
      (2)   If the special event is proposed to be conducted on behalf of, or by an organization, the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the headquarters of the organization, and of the authorized representative of the organization.
      (3)   A brief description of the proposed special event, including the activities to be conducted, and the date and hours when the special event is to be conducted.
      (4)   A description of the area to be utilized, including requested street changes and parking restrictions; and a map of the area to be utilized with all information necessary for law enforcement purposes.
      (5)   The expected total attendance for the event, and the estimated maximum number of people to be assembled at any one time.
      (6)   Verification of the applicant or organization that proof of the required liability insurance coverage shall be provided.
      (7)   Verification and acknowledgment by the application of the duty to inform the City Clerk of any change in details regarding the proposed event during the application process or after a permit is approved but before the special event takes place.
      (8)   Any additional information and criteria which the City Clerk or Mayor shall find reasonably necessary to a fair determination as to whether a permit shall be issued.
   (E)   An issued special event permit may include, among other provisions, reasonable terms and conditions as to (i) the time, place and manner of the event; (ii) compliance with health and sanitary regulations; (iii) emergency services; and (iv) security.
   (F)   The City Clerk, in conjunction with input and recommendations received from other city departments, may require additional permits to meet the conditions established and/or other city ordinances, including, but not limited to: special temporary alcoholic beverage license.
   (G)   Additional fees may be incurred and assessed for required city services such as electrical service, security, barricade placement and removal, garbage removal, fire protection, park user fees, and the like.
   (H)   The city will not tolerate disorderly conduct, obscene or vulgar gestures, and any unlawful behavior at a permitted event by any event organizer, performer, staff, volunteer, or anyone associated in any way with the management or participation in the event.
   (I)   The City Clerk, and any applicable city department staff may contact the organizer and/or applicant to schedule a meeting to discuss the details of the proposed special event prior to making a final determination of approval or disapproval of the event.
   (J)   Before approving any special event application, the City Clerk and any applicable city staff shall consider, but are not limited to consideration of the following criteria:
      (1)   Impact on local economy.
      (2)   Impact on public health and safety.
      (3)   Impact on traffic within the city.
      (4)   Availability and/or diversion of city resources.
      (5)   Complete application and accurate information.
      (6)   Compliance with other city, county, state and federal permits as required by law.
      (7)   Outstanding delinquent accounts or liabilities, if any, to the city.
      (8)   Adverse impact or undue hardship, if any, on access and operation of businesses and homeowners.
      (9)   Ability or resources of the applicant to adequately comply with the terms and conditions of the proposed event.
      (10)   The applicant's management of previous events.
(Ord. 2023-2, passed 5-17-23)