(A)   An application for a permit, signed by the person desiring to conduct a sale, shall be filed with the city, and such information as may be required by the Mayor or his or her designee including:
      (1)   The date or dates of the proposed sale;
      (2)   The location of the proposed sale;
      (3)   What provisions are to be made for parking and access to the proposed sale;
      (4)   A description of the household goods to be offered for sale and that such goods are owned by the applicant and were ordinarily used by him or her at his or her residence;
      (5)   The date of the last previous sale, if any, conducted by the applicant and the location of such sale; and
      (6)   Goods offered for sale shall be displayed other than the front yard and permits for sale shall be attached to “sale” sign front yard.
(1996 Code, § 9-4.02)
   (B)   If the city designates a date for an annual or semi-annual communal sale and a resident seeks to participate, he or she may do so without having to obtain a required permit from the city.
(Ord. 5, Series 2019, passed 9-16-2019)