(A) Intent. The intent of this district is to provide locations for all manufacturing, warehousing and distribution industries. Commercial uses permitted in this district are generally those which serve the convenience of industrial establishments and their employees.
(B) Permitted principle uses and structures.
(1) Agriculture, excluding the development of or expansion of existing intensive livestock operational facility;
(2) Animal hospitals;
(3) Automobile and truck sales and services;
(4) Automotive wash facilities;
(5) Blacksmithing and welding shops;
(6) Bottling works;
(7) Building material sales, except for ready-mix concrete plants and similar uses which emit particulate, odor or smoke;
(8) Carpenter, cabinet, plumbing or sheet metal shops;
(9) Carpet and rug cleaning and repair services;
(10) Construction sales and services;
(11) Disinfecting and exterminating services;
(12) Dry cleaning, laundering and dyeing services;
(13) Dyeing and finishing of textiles;
(14) Educational and scientific research services;
(15) Electrical sales and services;
(16) Equipment rental and leasing services;
(17) Farm machinery and equipment - retail;
(18) Farm supplies - retail;
(19) Feeds, grains and hay - retail;
(20) Food lockers and storage services;
(21) Foundries;
(22) Freight forwarding services;
(23) Furniture repair and reupholster services;
(24) Fur repair and storage services;
(25) Gas and petroleum field services;
(26) Garden centers and nurseries;
(27) Gas utility maintenance yard;
(28) Harvesting services;
(29) Irrigation equipment sales and manufacture;
(30) Landscape sales and services;
(31) Machinery sales and storage lots;
(32) Mobile and modular home sales and manufacturing;
(33) Newspaper publishing plants and commercial printing;
(34) Outdoor advertising services;
(35) Photoengraving;
(36) Photofinishing services;
(37) Public and quasi-public uses of an educational, recreational or religious type including public and parochial elementary schools and junior high schools, high schools; private non-profit schools, churches, parsonages and other religious institutions; parks and playgrounds;
(38) Public utility and public service uses;
(39) Radios, televisions, phonographs, recorders, tape players and other similar devices repair services;
(40) Recycling centers;
(41) Road maintenance yards;
(42) Service stations;
(43) Stores or shops for the sale of industry goods at retail;
(44) Telephone services;
(45) Transportation warehousing;
(46) Truck wash services;
(47) Veterinarian services;
(48) Warehousing and storage except for products of a highly explosive, combustible or volatile nature;
(49) Water well, drilling services;
(50) Wholesale establishments, except those which handle products of a highly explosive, combustible or volatile nature; and
(51) Mini-warehouse.
(C) Permitted accessory uses and structures. Accessory uses normally appurtenant to the permitted principal uses and structures when established in conformance within the space limits of this district: the retail sale of a product produced on the premises when the production is the principal activity on the site.
(D) Permitted conditional uses. A building or premises may be used for the following in conformance with the conditions prescribed herein:
(1) Motor vehicle body shop:
(a) Provided that, all outdoor storage of materials and motor vehicles determined by the Zoning Administrator to be a safety hazard or visual blight shall be screened from public view and access from an adjacent arterial streets and all zoning districts other than Industrial Districts by a solid or semi-solid fence having a minimum height of six feet and a visual density of no less than 50%; and
(b) Provided that, no more than four wrecked, scrapped or inoperable motor vehicles be on the premises for parts for sale or reuse at the same time.
(2) Motor vehicle repair service: provided that, all outdoor storage of materials and motor vehicles determined by the Zoning Administrator to be a safety hazard or visual blight shall be screened from public view and access from an adjacent arterial streets and all zoning districts other than Industrial Districts by a solid or semi-solid fence having a minimum height of six feet and a visual density of no less than 50%;
(3) Motor vehicle storage yard (excluding salvage operations): provided that, all vehicles shall be screened from public view and access from adjacent arterial streets and from all zoning districts other than industrial districts by a solid fence having a minimum height of six feet and a visual density of no less than 50%;
(4) Salvage yards, subject to the following:
(a) Located on a tract of land at least 300 feet from a residential district zone;
(b) The operation shall be conducted wholly within a noncombustible building or within an area completely surrounded on all sides by a fence or wall at least eight feet high. The fence or wall, having a visual density of uniform texture and color, shall be so maintained by the proprietor as to ensure maximum safety to the public and obscure the junk from normal view of the public. The fence or wall shall be installed in a manner as to retain all scrap, junk or other material within the yard;
(c) No junk shall be loaded, unloaded or otherwise placed either temporarily or permanently outside the enclosed building, fence or wall, or within the public right-of-way;
(d) Burning of paper, trash, junk or other waste materials shall be prohibited; and
(e) No junk, salvage, scrap or other materials shall be piled or stacked higher than the top of the required fence or wall.
(5) Child care center: provided, the center conforms and complies with the provisions of § 152.162.
(1) Agricultural equipment manufacturing;
(2) Alfalfa dehydrating mills;
(3) Animal rendering;
(4) Bulk petroleum storage wholesale;
(5) Cold storage plants;
(6) Expansion of nonconforming use;
(7) Explosives - manufacturing;
(8) Grain elevators;
(9) Gravel, stone and sand quarrying;
(10) Industrial wastes disposals;
(11) Livestock - wholesale;
(12) Manufacturing, fabricating or processing operations, not elsewhere listed which may be noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, dust, fumes, gas, odor or smoke;
(13) Meat packing plants;
(14) Petroleum and natural gas refining and processing;
(15) Pre-schools;
(16) Radio and television transmitting stations and towers;
(17) Refuse incineration;
(18) Ready mix concrete and asphalt mix plants;
(19) Seed cleaning and processing;
(20) Single-family dwellings;
(21) Solid waste transfer stations;
(22) Stockyards and slaughter houses; and
(23) Storage of bulk oil, gas and explosives.
(F) Prohibited uses and structures. Uses and structures which are not specifically permitted or not permissible as special uses shall be prohibited from the M Industrial District.
(G) Height and area regulations. The maximum height and minimum area regulations shall be as follows:
Lot Area (sq. ft.)
Lot Width (ft.)
Required Front Yard (ft.)
Required Side Yard (ft.)
Required Rear Yard (ft.)
Height (ft.)
Maximum Lot Coverage
| |
Permitted uses | None | 75 | 17 | 5, 10 when abutting or across an alley from residential district | 0, 10 when abutting or across an alley from residential district | 50 | 75% |
(H) Landscaping/screening.
(1) A solid or semi-solid fence or wall at least six feet, but not more than eight feet high or a ten-foot landscape buffer consisting of trees, shrubs and evergreens, shall be provided adjacent to any adjoining residential district; however, in the event the adjacent residential district and the industrial district are separated by a street right-of-way, the fence, wall or landscape buffer shall not be required.
(2) All fences, walls or buffers shall be maintained by the owner or owners of this property in the M Industrial District.
(I) Parking regulations. Parking within the M Industrial District shall be in conformance with the provisions of § 152.145.
(J) Sign regulations. Signs within the I-2 Heavy Industrial District shall be in conformance with the provisions of § 152.111.
(Prior Code, § 11-409)