(A)   Intent. This district is designed to provide for a wide range of retail, office, amusement and service uses normally found in a central business district. Highest density and intensity of use is permitted in this district
   (B)   Permitted principle uses and structure.
      (1)   Apartments on floors other than ground floors;
      (2)   Automobile sales and services;
      (3)   Automotive wash facilities;
      (4)   Bakery;
      (5)   Banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions and finance companies;
      (6)   Barbershops, beauty parlors and shoeshine shops;
      (7)   Business offices;
      (8)   Commercial recreation facilities (bowling alleys, miniature golf courses and similar uses);
      (9)   Detached banking facilities;
      (10)   Dry cleaning or laundry establishments;
      (11)   Food service, restaurants and taverns;
      (12)   Food storage lockers;
      (13)   Funeral homes and mortuaries;
      (14)   Garden centers;
      (15)   Messenger and telegraph stations;
      (16)   Motels and hotels;
      (17)   Museums and art galleries;
      (18)   Office buildings;
      (19)   Parking lots, parking garages and other off-street parking facilities;
      (20)   Personal and professional services;
      (21)   Photography studios;
      (22)   Private schools, including but not limited to business or commercial schools, dance or music academies and nursery pre-schools;
      (23)   Public and private charitable institutions;
      (24)   Public and quasi-public uses of an educational, recreational or religious type including pre-schools, public and parochial elementary schools and junior high schools, high schools; private non-profit schools, churches, parsonages and other religious institutions, parks and playgrounds;
      (25)   Public uses of an administrative, public service or cultural type including city, county, state or federal administrative centers and courts, libraries, police and fire stations and other public buildings, structures and facilities;
      (26)   Public utility facilities;
      (27)   Sales and showrooms, including service facilities and rental of equipment; provided, all displays and merchandise are within the enclosure walls of the buildings;
      (28)   Service stations;
      (29)   Stores or shops for the sale of goods at retail;
      (30)   Temporary shelter for homeless;
      (31)   Theaters;
      (32)   Mini-warehouse; and
      (33)   Farm supplies-retail.
   (C)   Permitted accessory uses. The following accessory uses and structures shall be permitted:
      (1)   Accessory uses and structures normally appurtenant to permitted uses and structures, when established in conformance within the space limits of the district; and
      (2)   Home occupations, in conformance with § 152.060
   (D)   Permitted conditional uses. A building or premises may be used for the following in conformance with the conditions prescribed herein:
      (1)   Single-family dwelling; provided, the dwelling meets maximum height and minimum area regulations m the R-2 Residential District;
      (2)   Two-family dwelling; provided, the dwelling meets maximum height and minimum area regulations in the R-2 Residential District; and
      (3)   Multiple-family dwellings:
         (a)   Provided, the dwelling meets maximum height and minimum area regulations in the R-2 Residential District; and
         (b)   Provided, a minimum of two off-street parking spaces for each unit.
   (E)   Special exception uses. In accordance with §§ 152.060 through 152.062:
      (1)   Child care homes and centers;
      (2)   Recycling center; and
      (3)   Apartments on ground floor.
   (F)   Prohibited uses and structures. All uses and structures which are not specifically permitted as special uses shall be prohibited from the C-1 Central Commercial District.
   (G)   Height and area regulations. The maximum height and minimum area regulations shall be as follows:
Lot Area (sq. ft.)
Lot Width (ft.)
Required Front Yard (ft.)
Required Side Yard (ft.)
Required Rear Yard (ft.)
Heigh (ft.)t
Other permitted uses
0, 10 when abutting a residential district
Dwelling, single-family
5 if lot width is less than 70 feet, 10 if lot width is 70 feet to 100 feet and 10% if lot width is greater than 100 feet
Lesser of 25 or 20% of lot depth
Dwelling, two-family
3,500 per family
25 per family
Dwelling, multiple-family
1,500 per family
Apartments above ground floor
1,750 per unit
0, 10 when abutting a residential district
35, including ground floor
   (H)   Parking regulations. Parking within the C-1 Central Commercial District shall be in conformance with the provisions of § 152.145.
   (I)   Sign regulations. Signs within the C-1 Central Commercial District shall be in conformance with the provisions of § 152.111.
(Prior Code, § 11-407)