(A)   Any plumbing firm within the city may be licensed hereunder as a master plumber in the name of the firm; provided that, the firm shall have a master plumber who is duly licensed as provided in this chapter.
   (B)   The master plumber must be a bona fide officer of the firm or an employee who is regularly employed by the firm and is actually engaged in the planning, superintending and practical installation of plumbing and drainage.
   (C)   The master plumber listed and licensed by the firm shall be in actual charge of and responsible for the installation, removal or repair of any plumbing or drainage work done by the firm.
   (D)   One individual must also qualify as a master plumber to enable the firm to hold a master plumber’s license and in case the individual withdrawn from or ceases to be connected with the firm, the City Council shall forthwith revoke the license of the firm as hereinafter provided.
(Prior Code, § 10-413)