   96.01   Districts
   96.02   Combinations authorized by separate ordinances
§ 96.01  DISTRICTS.
   (A)   The city may pave, repave, macadamize, gravel, curb and gutter streets, avenues or alleys and do any grading or work incidental in connection therewith and install water mains and sewer lines, either sanitary or storm or a combination sewer, in any improvement district or make any one, or a combination of the above improvements, as a single project, pursuant to Neb. RS 19-2408 through 19-2415, as amended or superseded, if the total estimated cost of any single improvement does not exceed $15,000, subject to a limitation of $50,000 of all improvements in a single project.
   (B)   Whenever a petition, as provided by the laws of the state, including, but not limited to, Neb. RS 19-2410, as amended or superseded, proposing the improvements is presented to the City Council, the City Council shall cause the petition to be examined and the estimate of cost of the improvement verified, and if the petition is found to be correct, then, the City Council shall, by ordinance, create an improvement district and cause the improvements to be made, if it can be done within the $50,000 limitation as provided herein. The City Council may, by ordinance, create an improvement district without petition, and cause one or more of the improvements specified herein to be made in the district; provided that, the ordinance shall designate the property included within the district or the outer boundaries thereof, the improvement or improvements to be made in the district and the total estimated cost of the improvements, which shall not exceed $15,000 for any single improvement or $50,000 for any single project; and, provided further, that, after passage, approval and publication of the ordinance, the City Clerk shall cause notice of the creation of the district to be published or served as provided by the laws of the state, including, but not limited to, Neb. RS 19-2411, as amended or superseded.
   (C)   If no objections are filed sufficient to cause the repeal of the ordinance as provided by the laws of the state, including, but not limited to, Neb. RS 19-2411, as amended or superseded, the city shall proceed with making the improvements. The contract shall be let and the improvements made in the same manner as required for street improvements. The City Council may direct the improvements to be made under a single contract or that separate bids be taken for the street improvement, installation of water mains and installation of sewers, but the aggregate of the contracts shall not exceed the estimate as shown in the ordinance creating the district.
   (D)   For the purpose of making partial payment as the work progresses, warrants may be issued by the City Council upon certificate of the engineer in charge showing the amount of the completed in an amount not exceeding 85% of the cost of the project as provided in Neb. RS 19-2414, as amended or superseded.
   (E)   On the completion or acceptance of the improvement or improvements, the City Council may cause special assessments to be levied against the property in the district specially benefitted by the improvement or improvements to the extent that the property is specially benefitted in the manner and form provided for levying special assessments for street improvements under the provisions of Neb. RS 17-509 to 17-515, as amended or superseded, and the special assessments shall mature and bear interest the same as provided for special assessments for paving. All money collected from the special assessments shall be placed in a sinking fund to pay the cost of the improvement or improvements and the bonds issued pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 8-501)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 19-2408 through 19-2415