   90.01   Funding and operation
   (A)   The city owns and operates the city parks, swimming pool, recreational complex and other recreational areas through the Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners. The City Council, for the purpose of laying out, improving and beautifying the city parks and for the purpose of maintaining, improving, managing and beautifying the swimming pool and recreational complex, and for the payment of salaries and wages of persons employed in the performance of the labor, may each year make and levy a tax upon the assessed value of all the taxable property in the city, except intangible property, which levy shall be collected and put into the City Treasury and shall, together with all gifts, grants, deeds of conveyance, bequests or other valuable income-producing property and real estate from any source for the purpose of endowing the city parks, swimming pool and recreation complex, constitute the Park and Recreation Fund of the city.
   (B)   The Park and Recreation Fund shall, at all times, be in the custody of the City Treasurer. The Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners shall have charge of all city parks, the swimming pool, recreation complex and all city recreational facilities and shall have the power to establish rules for the management, care and use of the same. All accounts against the Park and Recreation Fund shall be audited by the Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners, and warrants against the fund shall be paid by the City Treasurer out of the Park and Recreational Fund. The Board of Park and Recreation Commissioners shall not enter into a contract of any nature which involves an expenditure of funds, except for ordinary operating expenses, unless the contract has been approved by resolution or majority of the members of the City Council prior to the making of the contract.
(Prior Code, § 3-301)  (Ord. 11-04, passed 8-9-2004)
   Closing city parks, see § 92.10
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-948 through 17-952