The same measure, either in form or in essential substance, may not be submitted to the people by initiative petition either affirmatively or negatively, more often than once every two years. No attempt to repeal or alter an existing measure or portion of the measure by referendum petition may be made within two years from the last attempt to do the sane. The prohibition shall apply only when the subsequent attempt to repeal or alter is designed to accomplish the same or essentially the same purpose as the previous attempt.
(Prior Code, § 1-1307)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see LB 807, 7-17-1982
The Executive Officer and City Council of the city may at any time, by resolution, provide for the submission to a direct vote of the electors of any measure pending before it, passed by it, including an override of any veto, if necessary or enacted by the electors under this chapter and may provide in the resolution that the measure shall be submitted at a special election or the next regularly scheduled primary or general election. Immediately upon the passage of any resolution for submission, the Clerk shall cause the measure to be submitted to a direct vote of the electors, at the time specified in the resolution and in the manner provided in this chapter for submission of measures upon proposals and petitions filed by voters. The matter shall become law if approved by a majority of the votes cast.
(Prior Code, § 1-1308)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 18-2520