§ 154.116  INSTITUTIONS.
   (A)   Standards. Standards in this section shall apply to all of the following uses in zoning districts where they are identified as special uses in the district regulations chapter for each zone. These uses are: religious, social, educational, rehabilitation, incarceration institutions, kennels, museums, libraries and state licensed residential facilities for seven or more residents.
   (B)   Site location principles.
      (1)   It is desirable that any institutional structure or use to be located within a residential district should be located at the edge of a residential district, abutting either a business or industrial district or adjacent to public open space.
      (2)   Motor vehicle entrances should be made on a major thoroughfare, or as immediately accessible from a major thoroughfare. This is to avoid the impact of traffic generated by the institutional use upon the residential area.
      (3)   Site locations that offer a natural or human-made barrier that would lessen the effect of the intrusion of the institutional use into a residential area are preferred.
   (C)   Development requirements. Ambulance and delivery areas shall be obscured from all residential view by a solid masonry wall six feet in height. Access to and from the delivery and ambulance area shall be directly from a major, minor or principal collector thoroughfare.
   (D)   Substance abuse rehabilitations center.
      (1)   Such uses shall front onto a primary road. The main means of access to the facility for patients, visitors and employees shall be via the primary road. In no case shall access be from a residential street.
      (2)   The principal building shall be set back at least 50 feet from side and rear property lines. The front yard setback shall meet the requirements of the district in which the facility is located.
      (3)   Open space will be required and will be site specific.
      (4)   Screening will be required and will be site specific.
   (E)   Kennels, animal shelters and veterinary hospitals. No animal runs shall be less than 150 feet from a lot line abutting a residential district.
(Ord. passed 11-2-2005)