The minimum improvements which shall be installed according to municipal standards in all subdivisions are as follows.
   (A)   Streets shall be constructed at the permanently established elevation with curb and gutter on both sides of a street and with hard surface to the following widths:
      (1)   Forty-eight feet from curb to curb on two-way traffic-movement-type major arterial streets, of which 28 feet of the total width shall be the responsibility of the subdivider;
      (2)   Thirty-six feet on each traffic-way from curb to curb on one-way traffic-movement-type major arterial streets, of which 14 feet of each traffic-way (total 28 feet) and curb and gutter on the outer edge of the two traffic-ways shall be the responsibility of the subdivider;
      (3)   Twenty-eight feet from curb to curb on local streets, all of which shall be the responsibility of the subdivider;
      (4)   Twenty-eight feet from curb to curb on cul-de-sacs (courts) with a turning circle having a 50-foot radius, all of which shall be the responsibility of the subdivider; and
      (5)   Twenty feet, without curb and gutter for alleys and service drives, all of which shall be the responsibility of the subdivider.
   (B)   (1)   Sanitary sewer lines shall be installed, when an adequate sanitary sewer main exists within 500 feet from any portion of the proposed subdivision of which the subdivider shall be responsible for up to and including ten-inch diameter mains within the subdivision being platted and shall be responsible for any above normal cost of material and installation thereof necessarily encountered, as determined by the city official having jurisdiction outside the boundary of the subdivision being platted.
      (2)   If a sanitary sewer main is not available, as specified above, a disposal system, either on a subdivision-wide or single-lot basis, may be approved if approved by the County Department of Health.
   (C)   Water lines shall be installed when an adequate water main exists within 500 feet from any portion of proposed subdivision, for which the subdivision shall be responsible for up to and including eight-inch diameter mains.
   (D)   Sidewalks of four-foot width shall be constructed along both sides of the street right-of-way within all dedicated street and walkway rights-of-way of responsibility of the subdivider.
   (E)   Outlawns between each curb and sidewalk shall be graded and seeded, of which the entire construction shall be the responsibility of the subdivider.
   (F)   Culverts and bridges shall be constructed when determined to be necessary by the city official having jurisdiction and shall be entirely the responsibility of the subdivider.
   (G)   Storm sewer lines (including catch basins and manholes) shall be installed at the expense of the subdivider; except that in the case of the necessity of the installation of lines larger than those normally needed to serve the area within the limits of the subdivision being platted, the city will assume the additional cost encountered.
   (H)   The city shall furnish full-time inspection for the purpose of determining whether the project complies with the requirements of this chapter. Such inspection shall be at the expense of the subdivider.
      (1)   The subdivider shall supply the city with a project schedule of all improvements to be submitted a minimum of 15 days before construction begins. Revised construction schedules shall be immediately submitted to the city for review and approval.
      (2)   If, during the process of the installation of improvements it is necessary to remove any monuments or benchmarks, the subdivider or his or her contractor shall obtain permission from the engineering department to make such removal. All monuments or benchmarks removed, relocated or destroyed, shall be replaced in their proper location by the subdivider, at the subdivider’s expense.
   (I)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      CITY STANDARDS.  Standards and specifications of construction and installation as established and administered by the city.
      RESPONSIBILITY.  The cost of labor and materials for installation.
(1991 Code, § 5.352)  (Ord. 150, passed 6-7-1993)