(A)   The City Administrator will serve as City Purchasing Agent.
   (B)   The City Commission may, each year at the time it approves and adopts the city budget, authorize the City Purchasing Agent to make all purchases with a cost of $0 to $2,500 without further approval of the Commission.
   (C)   For purchases between $2,500 and $5,000, the City Purchasing Agent must solicit bids, which need not be sealed bids, from three sources.
   (D)   Any transactions over $5,000 will use the sealed bid process described below. Such transactions may not be divided into segments, the aggregate of which would be $3,000 or more.
   (E)   The City Commission shall have the power to reject any and all bids if deemed by it to be to the advantage of the city. Sealed bids shall be asked for in all transactions involving the expenditure of $5,000 or more and the transaction evidenced by written contract submitted to and approved by the City Commission; provided, that in cases where it is clearly to the city’s advantage to contract without competitive bidding, the City Commission, by affirmative vote and upon recommendation of the City Administrator, may so authorize. Detailed purchasing and contracting procedure shall be established by the City Administrator.
(1991 Code, § 1.73)  (2012 amendment)