Pursuant to Public Act 523 of 2012, State of Michigan, being M.C.L.A. § 168.642(a)(4), and city resolution No. 2013-2, beginning with the election of November 2013, a Mayor shall serve a term of office until a successor is elected and qualified in November 2016. Beginning in 2016, a Mayor shall be nominated and elected at the even-year primary and general elections for the city. Beginning with the election of November 2013, three Commissioners shall serve a term of office until successors are elected and qualified in November 2018. Beginning in 2018, these three Commission seats shall be nominated and elected at the even-year primary and general elections for the city. The three Commissioners elected at the November 2011 election shall remain in office until successors are elected and qualified in November 2016. Beginning in 2016, these three Commission seats shall be nominated and elected at the even-year primary and general elections for the city. The foregoing elections shall be governed as provided by the Michigan Election Law, being M.C.L.A. §§ 168.1 through 168.992.
(1991 Code, § 1.31)  (Ord. 198, passed 10-21-2013)