If an employee has a specific job-related incident that results in an exposure accident, as defined in the definitions, a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up will be provided by the city.
   (A)   The employee must report exposure incident to employer immediately.
   (B)   Documentation of route of exposure and circumstances of exposure must be written.
   (C)   The report of source individual identification shall be included in the report unless it is no feasible or prohibited by state or local law.
   (D)   The source individual’s blood may be drawn under protective precautions and upon written permission by the source individual in order to test for HBV and HIV. If consent is not obtained, the employer shall establish that a legally required consent cannot be obtained. If the source individual refuses a blood test for HBV and HIV, blood cannot be drawn without permission of the courts under Kentucky law.
   (E)   If the source individual is already known to be infected with HBV and HIV, testing for the known infection need not be repeated.
   (F)   The exposed employee’s blood shall be collected as soon as possible after written consent for testing has been obtained.
   (G)   If the exposed employee consents to HBV testing but refuses HIV testing, their serum for HIV testing shall be frozen for 90 days. If within 90 days, the employee decides they want HIV baseline testing, it shall be provided at no cost.
   (H)   All testing shall be done by a reputable certified laboratory and paid for by the city.
   (I)   Employee blood testing shall be accomplished as follows after written permission to test:
      (1)   Baseline blood test for HBV surface antibody (to determine immunity) and HBV and a HIV baseline test shall be performed. If HIV baseline is negative, then the exposed employee will be retested for HIV at six (6) weeks, twelve (12) weeks, and six (6) months after exposure.
      (2)   If an employee with exposure has not been immunized or has not completed all immunizations, they will be given, with their permission, in one immune globulin injection, HBV vaccination #1 and gamma globulin injection. All testing, injections and follow-up care will be paid for by the city.
(Ord.93-9, passed 12-13-93)