(A)   Employees in the following job classifications have exposure to bloodborne pathogens:
      (1)   Police officers, materials
      (2)   Firefighters
      (3)   Paramedics, EMTs
      (4)   Jailers, prisoner transportation and control personnel
      (5)   Personnel who handle refuse from unknown sources (sanitation, land fill workers)
   (B)   Employees in the following job classification may have limited occasional exposure to bloodborne pathogens;
      (1)   Police and fire dispatch personnel
      (2)   Personnel in charge of photographing prisoners
      (3)   Personnel who clean police or medical care vehicle after a person has bled, vomited, urinated or defecated in such a vehicle
      (4)   Maintenance personnel of jail
(Ord. 93-9, passed 12-13-93)