Applications for zoning use permits shall be filed with the Building Commissioner and shall be comprised of:
(A) The location, including all required information which comprises the legal description of the property;
(B) The name and addresses of the owner, applicant, and the contractor;
(C) The estimated cost of the project;
(D) The uses to be established or expanded to the project; and
(E) A plan, in duplicate, drawn approximately to scale and including:
(1) The actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon;
(2) The size, shape, and location of the use to be established or the structure or accessory structure to be constructed;
(3) The size, shape, and location of all existing structures, accessory uses and uses on the lot;
(4) The minimum flood elevations and the highest known flood levels;
(5) The provisions for ingress and egress; and
(6) All other information as may be deemed necessary to provide for the proper enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 07-O-01, passed - -2007)