The following regulations shall apply to the antennas.
   (A)   Application.
      (1)   This section shall govern the erection or construction of all conventional television and radio antennas and satellite television antennas.
      (2)   Whenever the height or other restrictions of this section conflict with other restrictions of the zoning code as applied to a particular antenna, the restrictions set out in this section shall control as to that particular antenna.
   (B)   Purpose and intent. The purpose of this law is to further health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the village. Among other things, reasonable controls contribute to the good appearance of the village, stabilize and even increase property values, assure the safety of the owner and others and, in general, contribute to the preservation of a pleasant community in which to work and live. This chapter is intended to comply fully with the report and order of the Federal Communications Commission released January 14, 1986 (FCC 86-28) to the extent that report and order validly preempts local zoning regulations deemed unduly restrictive with respect to satellite television receiving antennas. The village hereby determines that the bulk and visual impact of such antennas create aesthetic problems making it appropriate to have some special limitations as to size and placement thereof. However, this chapter shall be construed and administered so as not unduly to hamper reasonable satisfactory reception of satellite television signals.
   (C)   Location.
      (1)   No conventional or satellite television or radio antenna may be placed in the front yard of any lot in the village.
      (2)   A ground-mounted conventional television or radio antenna may be placed on a lot only in the side or rear yard.
      (3)   A satellite television antenna may be placed on a lot only in the rear yard; provided however, that, on a convincing showing that a reasonably satisfactory television signal cannot be obtained from a rear yard location, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall permit the antenna to be located in the side yard and, if such a signal cannot be obtained in either yard, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall permit the antenna to be located on the roof of any main or accessory building on the lot.
      (4)   All ground-mounted television and radio receiving antennas and satellite television antennas shall be located no less than five feet from any lot line.
      (5)   No ground-mounted receiving antenna or satellite television antenna may be erected on a public utility easement.
   (D)   Antenna size and number.
      (1)   No ground-mounted satellite television antenna may exceed 12 feet in height, as measured from the ground to the highest point of the antenna.
      (2)   No roof-mounted satellite television antenna may extend above the roofline more than three feet, unless it is to be installed on multistory buildings of four or more stories, in which case the antenna may not exceed ten feet in height above the level of the roof upon which it is placed.
      (3)   The diameter of satellite television antennas shall not exceed 12 feet.
      (4)   No lot in any R district shall have, at any one time, more than one satellite television antenna. No lot in any other district shall have more than three satellite television antennas.
   (E)   Special use permit required. No satellite television antenna or ground-mounted conventional television or radio antenna may be erected on any lot without obtaining a special use permit.
   (F)   Miscellaneous.
      (1)   The color of any ground-mounted satellite television antenna shall be dark brown, black, or forest green. Any other satellite television antenna shall be of a color that blends into its surroundings.
      (2)   All ground-mounted conventional television and radio antennas and satellite television antennas shall be screened by landscaping from ground-level view of persons on streets and surrounding lots. Said screening is not required to be so complete that it interferes with the reception of the antenna. The screening materials shall be of the evergreen type. The screen shall be planted as required by the special use permit not later than 30 days after the placement of the antenna.
      (3)   All roof-mounted satellite television antennas extending more than three feet above either by a parapet wall or by exterior architectural material.
      (4)   All television and radio antennas shall be grounded against direct lighting strike.
      (5)   All television and radio antennas shall be erected in a secure, wind-resistant manner.
      (6)   All wiring necessary for the use of the antenna between any ground-mounted antenna and a building or between the building on which the antenna is located and any other building on the lot shall be buried underground.
(Ord. 07-O-01, passed - -2007)