§ 30.32  RULES OF ORDER.
   (A)   Order of business. The order of business at meetings of the Village Board of Trustees shall be as follows:
      (1)   Roll call;
      (2)   Reading of minutes;
      (3)   Reports of standing committees;
      (4)   Reports of special committees;
      (5)   Reports of officers;
      (6)   Petitions and communications;
      (7)   Presentation of claims and accounts;
      (8)   Unfinished business;
      (9)   Miscellaneous business; and
      (10)   Adjournment.
(2016 Code, § 2.201)
   (B)   Rescinded action. No vote or action of the Village Board shall be rescinded at any special meeting unless there is present at such special meeting as many members of the Board as were present at the meeting when such vote or action was taken, as provided by statute.
(2016 Code, § 2.202)
   (C)   Resolutions. Any resolution submitted to the Village Board shall be reduced to writing before being voted upon, at the request of any two members of the Board.
(2016 Code, § 2.203)
   (D)   Addressing meetings. No person other than the President/Mayor or a member of the Village Board shall address that body at any regular or special meeting of the Trustees, except upon consent of a majority of the members present.
(2016 Code, § 2.204)
   (E)   Suspension of rules. The rules of order, other than those prescribed by statute, may be suspended at any time by consent of a majority of the members present at any meeting.
(2016 Code, § 2.205)
   (F)   Robert’s Rules of Order. Except when in conflict with the foregoing provisions, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the deliberations of the Board.
(2016 Code, § 2.206)
   (G)   Meetings open to the public. All meetings of the Village Board at which any legal action is taken shall be open to the public, or as printed in the revised statute.
(2016 Code, § 2.207)
   (H)   Public comment. The following guidelines are applicable for any person who seeks to address the members of the official governing boards of the village, any committee, or other official body of the village at any public meeting. The person will be permitted to speak on any matter listed on the agenda or on any matter of public concern, subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   (a)   The presiding officer shall designate a time during the meeting at which the public may address the members.
         (b)   The presiding officer may require persons wishing to speak during any portion of a meeting to sign in before the start of the meeting and to provide their names, addresses, and topics to be discussed.
      (2)   Prior to speaking, each person must be recognized by the presiding officer and must state his or her name and address for the record.
      (3)   Public comment is limited to no more than five minutes per person and to no more than one hour per meeting, unless extended by consent of a majority vote of the members present. The presiding officer shall monitor the time and shall notify the speaker when the time allotted has expired.
      (4)   The presiding officer shall have the authority to prescribe and enforce reasonable rules to govern meeting decorum and procedure.
      (5)   (a)   Although opportunity will be allowed for a person to speak, it shall not obligate a member of a public body to respond to comments or answer questions put forth by the speaker at that time.
         (b)   The presiding officer shall determine how or whether the public body responds to such comments or questions.
(Ord. 14-O-8, passed 10-20-2014)