(A)   It shall be unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle on the following unimproved right- of-ways.
Right of Way
Right-of-way to the east of Central Street, south of Madison Street
Running north/south to the east of 405 S Central and 435 S Central
Right-of-way to the east of Central Street, south of Walton Street (if it were extended to the east)
Running north/south to the east of 115 S Central, 125 S Central, 135 S Central, 145 S Central, 155 S Central, and 205 S Central
Right-of-way south of Jackson St, between S Indiana and S Central Street
Running east/west between 735 S Indiana St. and 640 S Central Ave., and 755 S Indiana and 670 S Central Ave., between Central Street and Indiana Street
Right-of-way south of Monroe St., between S Indiana and the north/south alley
Running west/east between 655 S Indiana St. and 665 S Indiana St., between S Indiana St. and the north/south alley
Right-of-way south of Kauffman between S John St. and parcel 06-02-01-01-10-005.000
Running east/west between 345 S John St. and 355 S John St., between John St. and the westerly boundary of 0 S Walnut St.
Right-of-way south of Walton St., between Walnut St. and the north/south alley
Running east/west between 215 S Walnut St. and 221 S Walnut St., between Walnut and the north/south alley
Right-of-way south of 296th St., between Walnut St. and the north/south alley
Running east/west between 135 W Meridian St. and 225 N Walnut St., between Walnut and the north/south alley
Right-of-way south of 296th Street, east of the railroad tracks, between the north/south alley and N Broadway St.
Running east/west between 240 N Broadway St. and 125 and 135 E Meridian St., and from the north/south alley to N Broadway St.
Right-of-way south of 296th Street, between N Broadway Street and N Indiana Street
Running east/west between 210 and 230 E 296th St. and 205, 215 and 235 E Meridian St., between N Broadway St. and N Indiana St.
Right-of-way south of 296th Street, between N Indiana Street and the north/south alley
Running east/west between 310 E 296th St. and 315 E Meridian St., and N Indiana St. and north/south alley
Right-of-way east of Indiana Street, between Meridian Street and Main Street
Running north/south between 300 E Meridian St., 125 N Indiana St., 305 E Main St. and 0 E Meridian St., 0 N Central Ave., and 329 E Main Street
Right-of-way east of Indiana St., north of Walton Street
Running north/south between 125 S Indiana St. and 325 E Walton St.
   (B)   Violations of this schedule shall be punishable as a class D infraction.
(Ord. 2023-01-01, passed 1-23-2022)