Unless conducted with the written permission of the Town Fire Chief or his or her authorized representative, burning of trash, waste, debris, or any other flammable materials within the boundaries of the town shall occur:
   (A)   Between sunup and sundown and not later than sundown;
   (B)   In enclosed fireproof incinerators or other containers; and
   (C)   Entirely off streets, alleys, sidewalks, or other public ways or public property.
   (D)   Recreational fires are permitted after sundown so long as the materials being burnt meet state code and providing that the person or entity having the recreational fire is continuosly in attendance while the said fire is burning. The person or entity having the recreational fire shall not leave the same unattended until the said fire has been fully extinguished. The size of a recreational fire shall not exceed 27 cubic feet which is measured as follows: three feet by three feet in width with the flames not exceeding three feet in height.
(Ord. 1993-T-Burn, passed 6-21-1993; Am. Ord. 07-01-04, passed 7-27-2004) Penalty, see § 93.38