(A)   No person shall stand or park a vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of the roadway headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement and with the right hand or left hand, as the case may be, within 12 inches of the curb or edge of the roadway except as otherwise provided in division (B) below.
   (B)   Upon those streets which are signed or marked by official markings or signs for angle parking, no person shall park, stand, or stop a motor vehicle other than at the angle to the curb or edge of the roadway indicated by the signs or markings. The motor vehicle must enter the parking space with a forward movement. Wherever angle parking is required, no person shall park or stand a motor vehicle with a total length in excess of 20 feet.
   (C)   Where individual parking spaces are designated and marked off, motor vehicles shall be parked entirely within the area designated by the markings, and it shall be unlawful to park any standard size motor vehicle across any such marking; provided, however, when individual parking spaces are located within a parking meter zone, a motor vehicle which is of a size too large to be parked within a single space shall be permitted to occupy two adjoining spaces when the required coins shall have been deposited in the parking meter for each space occupied.
(Ord. 1964-52, passed 8-22-1964) Penalty, see § 72.99