In addition to acting as Utility Billing Clerk, as well as Hearing Officer, the Town Council shall require the Clerk-Treasurer to provide a utility billing report to the Town Council at the second regular Town Council meeting each month. This report shall contain the following:
(A) A list of any new utility customers since the previous report;
(B) An aged accounts receivable report;
(C) A list of utility service disconnections since the previous report;
(D) A list of granted three month workout plans since the previous report (if applicable);
(E) A list of liens filed since the previous report (if applicable);
(F) A list of accounts that have been submitted to a collection agency since the previous report (if applicable); and
(G) Any other information the Clerk-Treasurer deems appropriate.
(Ord. 2020-01-01, passed 1-14-2020)