(A)   A customer may request a bill adjustment following the discovery of a leak. This request must be in writing, and be submitted within 60 days of the excessive use period of note. The request shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The date the customer became aware of the leak;
      (2)   A brief description of the cause and location of the leak;
      (3)   The date the leak was repaired;
      (4)   Copies of pictures of the leak (if available);
      (5)   Copies of pictures of the leak repair (if available);
      (6)   Copies of repair invoices or receipts; and
      (7)   Verification from the Atlanta Utility Department that the leak has been repaired
   (B)   High water usage resulting from the following shall not be eligible for any sewage adjustment:
      (1)   Leaking toilets and faucets;
      (2)   Water softener;
      (3)   Drinking water systems; or
      (4)   Allowing faucets to drip during freezing conditions.
   (C)   The Town Council will review each request at the next regular Town Council meeting to determine if an adjustment is appropriate.
(Ord. 2020-01-01, passed 1-14-2020)