(A)   Species And Intervals Of Trees Approved For Planting: The species of trees, and the intervals between them, approved for planting in the streets of the city are: ginkgos, thirty feet (30'); ash, Norway maple, Schwendler maple, red maple, sweet gum, tulip, red oak, white oak, willow oak, scarlet oak, American linden and European linden, forty feet (40'); pin oak, forty five feet (45'); honey locust, fifty feet (50').
In addition to the species of trees above permitted, other species of trees may be approved for planting along the streets of this city as may be specified by the appropriate committee of the city council.
   (B)   Forbidden Species Of Trees: No person shall plant any of the following named trees in the streets of the city: evergreens; fruit and nut trees (except oak); box elder; silver maple; ailanthus; poplar; cottonwood; willow; catalpa; hackberry; dogwood; white fringe; red bud or elm (including Chinese elm). (Ord. 81-80, 12-1-1981)