(A)   Duties: The mayor shall be the head of the police department and shall superintend and direct the police generally. He shall see that the several members of the department are prompt and faithful in the discharge of their duties and shall, from time to time, take such measures for the preservation of the peace and good order of the city as he may deem necessary, and shall see that all ordinances thereof are duly observed and enforced. (Ord. 5, 2-6-1917)
   (B)   Appointment Of Officers: The mayor is hereby authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the city council, such persons of a suitable character, special police officers, whenever in his judgment he shall deem it to be necessary. The term of office of any such special police officer shall not exceed that of the mayor. If any such appointment is made prior to the advice and consent of the city council having been first obtained, such appointment shall come before the city council for its advice and consent no later than the next regularly scheduled meeting of the city council. Special police officers shall have all the powers heretofore granted to members of the police department. (Ord. 82-7, 11-2-1982)