A.   Any person desiring a license authorized by this chapter shall make application therefor to the local liquor control commissioner. A separate application shall be made for each license desired by the applicant. Such application shall be typed upon forms prepared and furnished by the city. Each application shall be signed by the applicant and verified by him by oath or affidavit and shall be filed with the city clerk. In case the applicant is a partnership, all participating partners must sign and verify the application. In case the applicant is a corporation or club, all officers, directors and any stockholders owning more than fifty percent (50%) of the stock of such corporation must sign and verify the application and indicate their official position. All stockholders owning more than five percent (5%) of the corporate stock must be listed along with the percentage of stock owned. In case any other person is to conduct the place of business as manager or agent of the licensee, he also must sign and verify the application. The application shall contain the following information and statements: (Ord. 06-87, 11-2-1987)
      1.   In the case of an individual, the name, address and date of birth of the applicant; in the case of a partnership, the names, addresses and dates of birth of all partners and of all persons entitled to share in the profits thereof; in the case of a corporation or club, the objects for which organized, the names, addresses and dates of birth of the officers, directors and any stockholder owning more than five percent (5%) of the stock of such corporation; and in every case, the name and address and date of birth of each manager or agent who is to conduct or work in the place of business for which the license is sought. A club shall attach to its application two (2) copies of the list of names and residences of its members. This list must be updated every six (6) months from the date of issuance of any license, and the list of managers must be constantly up to date.
      2.   The citizenship of the applicant, and if a naturalized citizen of the United States, the date and place of naturalization. If a partnership, the same information for each partner. In the case of a corporation, this information must be supplied as to each officer and stockholder owning more than fifty percent (50%) of the corporate stock.
      3.   The location where he proposes to engage in the business for which the application was submitted, and whether or not the proposed location is within one hundred feet (100') of any church or school.
      4.   Whether food for human consumption is to be sold in such place of business if the application is allowed. Whether the business is a restaurant, and whether fifty percent (50%) of the gross receipts of the licensed business will be, or has been, from the sale of such food with documentation as available and required by the local liquor control commissioner.
      5.   Whether the applicant owns the premises for which a license is sought, and if he does not, the name of the landlord and the term of the lease. In the event the property is leased, a copy of the lease shall be attached to the application. If the lease is not written, an affidavit executed by the landlord may be substituted in place of the lease.
      6.   The character of the business of the applicant; in the case of a corporation, the objects for which it was formed, the date and state of incorporation, and a copy of the articles of incorporation.
      7.   Whether the applicant has made application for another or similar license and the disposition of any such other application.
      8.   Whether or not any license or permit issued to him under this chapter, previous ordinances, similar ordinances in other counties or municipalities, or by the state of Illinois or any other state of the United States, relating to alcoholic liquor has ever been suspended or revoked.
      9.   Whether or not the applicant, any manager or bartender, partner or majority stockholder has ever been convicted of being the keeper or an inmate of a house of prostitution, or pandering or of any other crime or misdemeanor, with the exception of a traffic offense. However, traffic offenses connected with the misuse of alcoholic beverages must be listed.
      10.   A statement that the applicant is not, at the time of making the application, connected with a house of ill fame and that no such connection will exist during the life of any license issued.
      11.   Whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, and whether or not the applicant is disqualified to receive the license sought by reason of any matter or thing contained in this chapter, the laws of the state of Illinois or those of the United States.
      12.   A statement that should the licensed premises become or constitute a nuisance to the neighborhood of its location that any license approved for that location may be suspended or revoked at the discretion of the local liquor control commissioner so as to abate the nuisance. (Ord. 06-87, 11-2-1987; amd. Ord. 89-91, 7-10-1989)
      13.   A statement that the applicant will testify under oath to all relevant and material questions propounded to him in any hearing conducted by the local liquor control commissioner either before or after the issuance of a license. That he will provide, upon receipt of a lawfully authorized subpoena by the local liquor control commissioner, any book or record of his licensed business in connection with any investigation conducted by the commissioner, and that his failure to so testify or provide such books or records shall be sufficient reason for the refusal to issue a license or revocation of any such license which has been issued to him; and a statement that the applicant, any partner, stockholder, manager, or employee, if requested by the local liquor control commissioner, will permit a record of his or her fingerprints to be made by the city police department for the purpose of additional investigation to determine whether the application should be granted. (Ord. 06-87, 11-2-1987; amd. Ord. 89-91, 7-10-1989; 2017 Code)
      14.   A statement that neither the applicant, partner, stockholder, manager nor any employee has accepted, received or borrowed money, or anything else of value, or accepted credit (other than merchandise credit in the ordinary course of business for a period not to exceed 30 days) directly or indirectly from any manufacturer, importing distributor, or wholesaler of alcoholic liquor, or from any stockholder or officer of any corporation engaged in, or any other person connected with, any such business.
      15.   A statement listing all persons and corporations financing the purchase or construction of the business to be licensed and, if requested, a statement detailing the financial background of the applicant and business to be licensed.
      16.   A statement that neither the applicant, nor any member of applicant's household, nor any partner, nor any stockholder of a corporation is a member or employee of the city police department or mayor of the city, nor is any such person interested in any way, directly or indirectly, in the license applied for, the premises or the profits or proceeds from the sale of alcoholic liquor under the license applied for except as provided in subsection 2-1-7A16 of this chapter.
      17.   A statement authorizing the local liquor control commissioner to have performed an investigation of the applicant's credit rating and background prior to the issuance of any license. (Ord. 06-87, 11-2-1987; amd. Ord. 89-91, 7-10-1989)
   B.   All information required must be supplied at the time of application and clearly typed. It is the applicant's responsibility to supply on the application the name and address of each manager to be employed and to ensure that a background investigation is completed on each, including the submission of fingerprints. The requirement of supplying all of the above information is a continuing one. If any supplied information or statements become invalid, it is the duty of the licensee to provide updated information to the local liquor control commissioner. This includes changes in the makeup or control of partnerships or corporations. In the case of corporations, specifically, the local liquor control commissioner must be informed within thirty (30) days of the replacement of any officer or of the sale or acquisition of twenty five percent (25%) of the corporate stock by any one stockholder or upon any person or corporation becoming a majority stockholder but not listed as such on prior application or subsequent renewals. (Ord. 06-87, 11-2-1987; amd. 2017 Code)
   C.   The local liquor control commissioner may request additional information which is necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
   D.   Each original application and each renewal application will be accompanied by the nonrefundable fee set out in subsection 2-1-26A of this chapter. Each approved license may be issued upon the payment of the classification license fee, in full or in two (2) payments due on January 1 and July 1 of each year. If payment is made in two (2) installments, an administrative fee as set out in subsection 2-1-26K of this chapter shall be paid with the first installment. (Ord. 06-87, 11-2-1987)