No person shall own or occupy or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit which does not comply with the following requirements:
   A.   Foundations, Floors, Walls, Ceilings And Roofs:
      1.   Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof shall be reasonably weathertight and ratproof, shall afford privacy, and shall be kept in good repair.
      2.   The foundation elements shall adequately support the building at all points; floors shall be free of hazard; every exterior wall shall be free of holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards and timbers, and any other conditions which might admit rats, rain or dampness to the interior portions of the walls, or the interior spaces of the dwelling; all exterior surface materials shall be protected from the elements and decay by paint or other protective covering or treatment, when required to prevent deterioration; any paint or other protective materials must be maintained free of deterioration, in sound condition and good repair.
      3.   Every interior wall shall be free of holes and large cracks, loose plaster and other structural material.
      4.   The roof shall be tight and shall have no defects which admit rain.
      5.   All openings for pipes, conduits and other utility services accessible to rats shall be closed solidly for the full thickness of the wall, floor, roof, etc., with an approved ratproof material or fitted with a collar or shield, securely fastened to the wall or floor, of not less than 24-gauge galvanized sheet metal or other approved materials, extending at least three inches (3") beyond all sides of the opening.
   B.   Lead Bearing Substances: No person shall sell, use, or apply any substance in which the total nonvolatile ingredients contain more than six-tenths of one percent (0.6%) of lead, by weight, calculated as metallic lead in or upon any exposed interior surface of a dwelling, dwelling unit, or temporary housing, nor in or upon any fixture or other object used, installed or located in or upon such surface or intended to be so used, installed or located. Upon notice from the city of the existence of any such substances herein prohibited, it shall be the responsibility of the owner to remove or to securely and permanently cover such surfaces within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of such notice.
   C.   Windows, Exterior Doors And Basement Hatchways:
      1.   Every window, exterior door, and basement hatchway shall be reasonably watertight and rodentproof, and shall be kept in good working condition and good repair.
      2.   Every opening located at or within one and one-half feet (11/2') of ground level which might provide an entry for rats shall be adequately covered with screening or some other device so as to effectively prevent the entrance of rats but so as not to prevent emergency egress where such egress is appropriate.
   D.   Stairs And Porches: Every inside and outside stair, every porch and every appurtenance to any of the foregoing shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the loads that normal use may cause to be placed thereon, and all of the aforesaid shall be kept in sound condition and good repair. Every inside and outside stair or step shall have uniform risers and uniform treads.
   E.   Handrails:
      1.   Structurally sound handrails shall be provided on any steps containing five (5) risers or more. If steps are not enclosed, handrails and balusters spaced no more than six inches (6") apart shall be provided.
      2.   Porches and balconies located more than three feet (3') higher than the adjacent area shall have structurally sound protective handrails thirty inches (30") to thirty six inches (36") high, and if unenclosed, balusters spaced no more than six inches (6") apart shall also be provided.
      3.   Alternate systems providing at least the same degree of protection, if approved by the appropriate authority, shall be acceptable.
   F.   Chimneys, Flues And Vents: All chimneys, flues, and vents on every structure used for human habitation shall be structurally sound, free from defects and capable of performing the function for which the same are designed or used. Each shall have sufficient draft to develop the rated output of the equipment. Chimneys, flues, gas vents and their supports shall be structurally safe, durable, smoketight and capable of withstanding the action of flue gases.
   G.   Rubbish And Garbage: The interior of every structure used for human habitation shall be maintained free from rubbish and garbage that might become a health, accident or fire hazard. (Ord. 01-2014, 6-9-2014, eff. 1-1-2015)