A reasonable charge shall be made to the users of the sewerage system and shall be based upon water consumption.
   A.   Rates Established: The sewer rates shall be as follows:
Water Consumption Per Month
Monthly Charge
1,000 gallons or less
More than 1,000 gallons
$26.39, plus $6.61 per each additional 1,000 gallons or part thereof
   B.   Bills For Service: All charges for sewerage service shall be billed on the last day of the month following the meter reading or estimate of use, and shall be due and payable on or before the tenth day of the month following such reading.
   C.   The rates established in this section shall be effective on May 1, 2024, and shall increase at a rate of the consumer price index rate or at a minimum of four percent (4%), whichever is greater, on May 1 each year thereafter unless otherwise amended by the Athens City Council.
   D.   Late And Delinquent Payments:
      1.   There will be a ten percent (10%) penalty added to each sewer bill that is unpaid on or before the penalty date, which shall be ten (10) days after the due date appearing on the monthly statement to the customer, unless said penalty date shall fall on a Sunday or holiday, in which case, the penalty date shall be the next succeeding secular day.
      2.   If such payment is not paid on or before the penalty date, an additional charge or penalty of ten percent (10%) will be added to the amount billed.
      3.   Bills shall be due the fifteenth of each month. Any account not paid by the fifteenth of each month shall be the delinquency date and should the charges not be paid by said date, the water service will be discontinued without notice and will not be restored until the delinquency is paid in full with an additional one hundred dollar ($100.00) service fee to cover the cost of restoring service.
   E.   Liability Of Consumer For Charges: The consumer is responsible and liable for paying the sewer service charges for service furnished to the premises registered by the water meter in accordance with the charges now or as hereafter may be fixed by city including both tenant and landlord, such that the occupant(s) and the owner(s) shall be jointly and severally liable for any such charges for service to the premises. Acceptance of such joint and several liability is a condition for receipt of sewer service, and payment of such charges therefor shall be a condition for continuing service under this chapter. (Ord. O-5-73, 2-20-1973; Ord. 06-2007, 7-9-2007; Ord. 01-2015, 3-9-2015; 2017 Code; Ord. 03-2019, 4-23-2019; Ord. 03-2024, 4-8-2024)