Utility service to customer or consumer households may be disconnected or terminated (hereinafter “disconnection”) by the Village only for the following reasons:
   (a)   Nonpayment;
   (b)   Emergencies, repairs and replacement of lines;
   (c)   At customer request, provided that the approval of both the customer and consumer of services for that service address is necessary if any service address affected by the request is a consumer.
   (d)   If, upon physical examination, the Village obtains reasonable grounds for and has a good faith belief that, Ohio R.C. 4933.18 or 4933.19 have been violated by use of a jumper or other by-pass mechanism:
      (1)   Prior to installation of check valves or backflow protection; or
      (2)   Which results in bypassing and negating such valves or protection.
While the Village must otherwise satisfy the requirements of these rules, utility service may be terminated immediately upon that discovery, without notice or opportunity for hearing prior to termination. However, in such circumstances, if a customer or consumer household affected by such termination thereafter requests a hearing, and establishes that the offending condition has been remedied, utility service will be reinstated, conditioned on continuing good behavior, although the Village does not thereby waive any right of prosecution otherwise granted under the law.
   (e)   Nonpayment of a lien certified against the property pursuant to Ohio R.C. 735.29(A).
   Except as set forth in (b), (d) and (e) above, disconnections other than those with approval of both the customer and consumer of service may not occur without proper notice and adequate opportunity for hearing before termination. These rules shall be complied with by all utility department employees.
   No disconnection of service shall occur except after compliance with these rules.
(Ord. 94-1. Passed 2-7-94.)